Share the Love Feb. 3


‘Share Love,’ an afternoon of free Valentine’s Day-themed creative activities at the Headwaters Arts Center, 66 Main Street in Stamford, will take place Saturday, Feb. 3 from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Just in time for the special day when we express our love and appreciation for others, ‘Share Love’ is great for the whole family and the materials will be provided for all of the projects being offered. For complete details, visit or call 607.214.6040.

Perfect for all ages, ‘Share Love’ this Valentine’s Day by creating a Weaving Hearts Valentine for someone in your life. Personalize your Valentine with color and a note, creating something unique and special for you to share.

Also ‘Share Love’ with our Stamford Community by helping the Headwaters Arts Center staff create and fill our Main Street window with Wax Hearts for everyone to see. It’s a Valentine for Stamford

The program is free and open to all. All materials will be provided. Young artists should be accompanied by an adult assistant. Reservations are not required.

All programs offered by the Roxbury Arts Group are supported by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the office of the Governor and the NYS Legislature, the Robinson Broadhurst Foundation, the A. Lindsay & Olive B. O’Connor Foundation, the Tianaderrah Foundation, Loving Live Inc, the Delaware National Bank of Delhi, and by the generosity of business sponsors and individual donors like you.