403 results total, viewing 1 - 12

2025 Free Fishing Days

Mark your calendars for this year’s six free fishing days. • Feb. 15-16 (Presidents’ Day Weekend) • June 28-29 • Sept. 27 (National Hunting and Fishing Day) … more

Audubon Chapter to Lead Trip to Wildlife Refuge March 15

The Delaware-Otsego Audubon Society (DOAS) will take a birding field trip Saturday, March 15 - rain date of March 22. DOAS Board Director Chris DeCesare will lead interested road-trippers to … more

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza

Avian Influenza is a highly contagious poultry virus with the potential to cause large financial losses. There have been nine confirmed cases in New York in the last month. Here are a few … more

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint: Audubon Chapter to Host Session

“Climate change is the single greatest threat to North American birds. Solutions are plentiful, but to protect more than 300 species at risk, we must act now.” —National Audubon … more

Species Spotlight: Yellow Perch

Scientific Name: Perca flavescens Nicknames: Perch, Common perch Current State Record : 3 lbs. 8 oz., Lake Erie, Erie County, April 28, 1982 Identification: Yellow body with six to … more

DEC and Pa. to Present Trout Management Plan Within Delaware River Tailwaters

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) will hold a virtual public information session Tuesday, Feb. 25 at 6 p.m. to inform New Yorkers about the new Delaware River … more

Spotted lanternflies could cost NYS grape industry millions

Researchers estimate that if left unchecked, the spotted lanternfly – which decimated vineyards in Pennsylvania when it arrived in 2014 – could cause significant economic losses to the … more

Contaminants found in commonly hunted waterfowl

Researchers tested five species of commonly hunted waterfowl in the northeast Atlantic Flyway, and in every sample found contaminants that could impact the health of the birds as well as the hunters … more

Oneonta Trout Unlimited meeting Feb. 10

The   next meeting of the Dave Brandt Trout Unlimited Chapter will be held Monday, Feb. 10, at 7 p.m., at The Plains Senior Living Center, 163 Heritage Place, Oneonta, in the third floor meeting … more

Leave No Trace™—A New Year’s Refresher

The New Year is a great time for a refresher on the seven principles of Leave No Trace TM to maintain minimal impact on the environment and the natural resources of New York state. Plan Ahead … more

Service couples invited to annual fly-fishing retreat on the Upper Delaware

DEPOSIT — Military personnel, first responders, and frontline medical professionals—along with their partners—are invited to take part in the 6th Annual Service Couples Fly-Fishing … more

Consequences of Feeding Deer in Winter

It may be tempting to feed deer to “help” them through the winter. However, feeding deer during the winter or other times of the year is unnecessary, prohibited in New York, and can have … more
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