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Hello friends, it seems February is living up to its reputation of being the snowiest month of the year. Thank goodness the weathermen were off the mark, and we only got a little bit of snow and not … more


A very happy birthday Sunday to Vicki O’Brien. I hear it was a milestone birthday, and she had a big celebration at New Hope with lots of friends and family. Hope you had a great day - Facebook … more

Weather Words with Frank Ward

“It’s been a crazy week. Last Wednesday, Jan. 29, we had a snow squall at about quarter to 12, with the wind so heavy I couldn’t even see my own truck parked outside my window. That … more


Hello friends and February. The second month of the year and the shortest one. Did you know that the National Weather Service reports that its data proves that February is the snowiest month of the … more


Last week’s trivia question: Who became a junior member of the Mendel Brothers firm on or about Feb. 1, 1894? It was Aaron Stern. This week’s trivia question: What year was the new … more


First Thursday Dinner at St Paul’s Church, 307 Main Street is Thursday, Feb. 6 from 5-7 p.m. It will feature casseroles and a delicious desserts buffet. All you want to eat, by donation; dine … more


Rodney Scott, acclaimed chef and barbecue pitmaster, on his daily philosophy: “Every day is a good day. If I’m still alive, I have a chance. I made the conscious decision not to have any … more


While I can’t say I love the cold – especially the “deep freeze” kind of cold, I would prefer it to the up and down, hot and cold we’ve had recently. Going from seven … more


Sidney All-you-can-eat annual pancake breakfast Saturday, Feb. 8 serving from 7 a.m. to noon at the Sacred Heart Parish Center, 15 Liberty Street, Sidney, sponsored by Troop 88 with eat-in or … more

Weather Words with Frank Ward

“Going back to last Wednesday, Jan. 22, at 7 o’clock in the morning we hit -20. I went back and had to pull out two more years with the records. We now have the lowest temperature since … more
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