Letters to the Editor: Walton Should Not Sell Village Hall!


I would like to express my opinion on the idea of attempting to sell the building which houses the village offices, the theater, and the court room. The notion of selling the building to whoever, puts the facility in a limbo state in which we will have no say in the outcome. Also the mere fact that the village board believes it is a “White Elephant” demonstrates the board is a poor steward of maintaining its property.

If some outsider (if one is to be found) decides to make it into some other type of facility or even think of demolishing the building, the historic treasure is lost forever. Where my wife and I vacation in Michigan the town did have an old fashioned movie theater back in the 1980s. It got sold and turned into another storefront and apartments.

The idea that it costs too much to maintain says to me that the village has not invested in their own house. To think that any homeowner would not put in the time and resources to maintain their own home means they prefer living in a house that is about to fall down. I have spent as much or more on the upkeep and maintenance of my home than what I paid for it in 1985.

This building also houses the theater which supports Resource Support Services (RSS), Music on the Delaware (MOD), and the Delaware River Stage Company(DRSC). These groups give back to the community through entertainment, art and culture, and displaying home-town talent. You cannot find this anywhere else in Delaware County, and it would be a disservice to the village if the mayor and the board lets it go.

Back when the old Opera House burned down, the village board thought it was important enough to rebuild. They worked hard at securing moneys and making it possible, for they knew how important it was to provide for the community in which they serve. So I am asking everyone to tell the mayor and the board to take care of their own house and invest in our future as a community.

Daniel Patsos
