Draft Horses - A Link to the Past


Fairgoers who would like to see Clydesdale, Belgian, Percheron and Shire draft horses should visit the horse show ring Monday.  

Starting at 10 a.m., watch as various breeds compete in different in-hand classes - where the horses are led, not ridden, and judged on their conformation, and suitability as breeding stock.

At 1 p.m., the hitched classes - including a six-horse hitch class named after Don Perry, long-time draft horse show director — are scheduled to begin, junior driving classes, farm team classes, single and tandem classes - and exhibitors will demonstrate how draft horses pull wagons or “vehicles.” 

In this area the best known breed is the Belgians, but judges know the special characteristics of every draft breed. These gentle giants will be judged on specialized points as described on the show schedule and their ability to work while hitched as a single entry or as part of a team.

To observe the power of draft horses are, be sure to visit the horse show ring Friday night starting at 6 p.m. for the New York State Draft Horse Pullers Association Horse Pull. Pairs of draft horses — either lightweight or heavyweight — are hooked to a weighted sled. The horses must pull the load 27 and 1/2 feet for the pull to qualify. Each team gets three tries to pull the weight the required distance. After each heat, weight is added to the sled until a winner is announced in each category.