

Betty and Harry Bell recently attended the high school graduation of Betty’s grandson Lucas Baier, the son of Jeff Baier. A couple weeks after the graduation along with Betty’s daughter Barb Mackey they attended Lucas’s party held at a Mt. Pocono, Pa., campground. Jeff and Lucas have been camping there every summer for fourteen years. In September Lucas will attend college at Broom Tech. He has been enrolled in a New Visions Health Careers program through BOCES and has completed two semesters at Broome. Betty and Harry took a bus trip with the Tri County Senior Club. They toured Hyde Hall and ate at the The Otesaga Hotel restaurant both in Cooperstown. Along with Betty’s daughter Barb Markey and Jena Roberts, Betty and Harry traveled to Portland, Maine visiting Dave and Nancy Atthaies, former residents of Delhi. While in Maine, Nancy and Dave took Betty and Harry on a extensive tour. They also met the Althasis’ grandson Jackson.

Hamden Senior Citizens will hold their monthly dish to pass dinner and meeting Wednesday, Sept. 27 at noon at the Hamden Town Hall.

The following people get to say they’re another year older during September: Nancy Hutson, Bruce Salton, Lynn Schriver, Simon Clark, Kevin Wilbur, Doug Jones, Laura Jones, Sharon Mogridge, Edgar Watson, Ron Pinney, Shawn Kauffman, Kristen Schriver, George Bolles, Doris Kelly, Jamie Menhinick, Junior Howard, Bill Cash, Don Kalibat, Jan Miller, Gracie Telian, Hank Groth, Christian Imperi and Alyssa Mason.

Happy September wedding anniversary to Richard and Dolores Smith, Mike and Michelle Stoop, Doug and Laura Jones, Gerard and Melissa Ordmandy, Derrick and Ashley Hoyt, Eric and Jen Alexander.

The town bicentennial meeting will be held Thursday, Sept. 28 at 6:30 p.m. at the town hall. Come with your suggestions and be ready to help.

Hamden Schoolhouse Museum on East River Road is now open for visitors to come see the many interesting items from past years on display there. Historians Caroline and William Wright will be available to show you around from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 8, Saturday, Oct. 21 or by appointment; call 607-746-7479.

Delhi Farmers Market is held Wednesdays, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Delhi Village Square.

Bingo at Delhi American Legion, Wednesdays at 7 p.m. Come and bring a friend.

Sept. 16 - National Clean Up Day, International Eat An Apple Day, Dance Day; Sept. 17 - Citizenship Day, Wife Appreciation Day, National Pet Bird Day; Sept. 18 - National First Love Day, International Equal Pay Day, U.S. Air Force Established in 1947; Sept. 19 - Talk Like a Pirate Day; Sept. 20 - National Pepperoni Pizza Day; Sept. 21 - International Day of Peace; Sept. 22 - National White Chocolate Day, American Business Woman’s Day, World Car Free Day, World Rose Day.

Grandma’s recipe for fresh Pickles; Makes 2 quarts; 2 quarts cucumbers sliced thin, 1 onion sliced thin, 2 Tblsp salt, 1 tsp dill, 2/3 cup oil, 2/3 cup vinegar, 2/3 cup sugar: Mix cukes and onions and salt in bowl and let stand for 2 hours. Drain well. Pack cukes in 2 quart jars. Mix oil, sugar, vinegar and dill and mix well. Pour over cucumbers in jars. Refrigerate.

My Thoughts of the week: Summer is coming close to being over. Now it’s time to get the gardens finished up for another year. It has been a good one with most everything producing very well.

Lynn Kinch’s joke of the week: A nurse registering a new patient asked, “When is your birthday?” “Aug. 22,” the patient replied. The nurse asked, “What year?” “Every year!”

Senior Moments: As the holiday season loomed Grandpa Peterson’s grandchildren cornered him one day in the living room and they asked if he would get them an Xbox for Christmas. Peterson’s eyes twinkled and his lips curled into a smile. “No need to wait ‘til Christmas,” he said, heading out of the room and beckoning his grandchildren to follow. The excited kids followed their grandpa out of the living room through the dining room into the kitchen out the door and into the yard. Then they followed him down the driveway and to the curb where all the garbage and recyclables were stacked. He pointed to the paper recycling area and with a smile said: “You’ll not only find some ex-boxes there but also some ex-cartons and ex-bags, too.”

A cute saying: Hope is the dream of a waking man.

Helpful Hints: When beginning to cook a meal, take a dinner plate and set it on the counter as a parking place for measuring cups and spoons, spatulas and any other utensils you might use. The plate is larger than a spoon rest and it makes cleaning up afterward so easy.

If you enjoy reading this column send your news to me at or call 607-746-6860.