I was one of the first buyers on Dirt Road, almost 43 years ago. I have lived here for 31 years, since 1991. We get nothing on Dirt Road - Delhi won’t plow it, and the power authorities won’t maintain it, despite seizing our land for Marcy South. I lost over 5 acres of my own land but I still pay taxes on it.
Almost five years ago, Brad and Laura arrived, buying the 45 acres above me. Including them, the only other full-time resident is at the very end of Dirt Road. This failed artist, who I have known up here for 43 years, and worked with at Abbey Movers for 11 years, contributes nothing to Dirt Road but grief. He has harassed every neighbor, including Brad and Laura, as well as the prior owner of their land. By harassment I mean stalking, taking photos of them and others with a zoom lens camera. When asked by me and others to stop, this failed artist says we are “harassing” him. It’s sick.
I was initially anxious about Dirt Road Camp opening in 2019. But Brad and Laura have fully repaired this long rough dirt road, plow it, maintain it, and emergency vehicles finally have access year-round, which literally saved the life of their neighbor at the end of Dirt Road when he got Covid-19 in 2020. These are great neighbors who created a mom and pop campground in the middle of nowhere. If you need a hand, they are there, and the character of Brad and Laura showed when they took care of their nasty neighbor’s 200 chickens and two goats when he was in the hospital.
Anyone coming to Dirt Road Camp must have a reservation and is warned to take it slow because I like to walk my dogs on Dirt Road. They wave and smile, and keep it slow. These are good people who spend a lot of money locally, who don’t cause trouble or make noise. They come here to camp and enjoy our area. What is wrong with that? Dirt Road Camp has perfect reviews, hundreds of friends and repeat visitors, and deservedly won the best new business award for Delaware County. I was as proud as them.
It’s sad to see that, from previous times, hard times, it’s still happening today - A bitter old man at the end of Dirt Road with no friends, only a computer to complain to others and, for some reason, local “leaders” are listening to him then punishing nice people trying to create something special. I have seen all the work done at Dirt Road Camp, huge holding tanks being dragged up this steep road, inspections by DEP and other authorities, a fortune invested so others might find sanity in the great outdoors. The closing of Dirt Road Camp is a disgrace.
Alex D. Harrison