

Summer is in full swing. There are parties and picnics. There are trips and vacations. Graduations and weddings!  So much is going on in our lives.  Our schedules are so full that we seem to have less time than ever for many things.  We cannot seem to slow down as our schedules get more and more full.  The day is hardly long enough for all our events during these summer months.  Slowing down becomes harder with each passing day.  We enjoy these summer months in the northeast, but they seem too quick and too hectic. Every morning we look forward to all our plans, but maybe we should take a few minutes to contemplate this wonderful day the Lord has given us.

This is the day the Lord has made;

We will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

While we are enjoying our morning cup of coffee (or maybe tea) it would be good to thank the Lord of creation for this wonderful time of year. It would be good to take a few minutes and ponder this great creation.  Take the time to slow down and bask in the Love of God that he shows for every one of us.

In this busy and troubled world God sometimes seems so very far away.  It seems as if he has no interest in our lives and troubles.  However, he is very, very interested in each one of us.  He seems so far away because we have moved away from him. 

And when you draw close to God, God will draw close to you.   James 4:8

Take the time in this busy season to set aside a little time just for God. Set aside time to be with just him.  A time to slow down and gather a few thoughts for him. Take time to read about him in the bible.  Meditate to give your mind a chance to slow down and think about God. And most of all take time for prayer.  Prayer is your communication with him.  That is so important!  Prayer is your time to talk to God.

Just you and no one else.  Tell him everything that is in your heart.  Believe me, he wants to hear.

He loves you so much and he cares about your everyday life and troubles.

He loves us all with great love.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.  John 3:16

So, as you enjoy this wonderful season that God has given us, I hope you will take the time to give him some time just to be with you.  He will bless you richly for it and he will continue to be by your side.  He will continue to walk with you every day of life.  God bless you during this wonderful season we call summer!

Father William Wright, Christ Episcopal Church