

Peter 2 3:17: You, therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand, be on your guard so that you are not carried away by the error of unprincipled men and fall from your own steadfastness.

Beloved Community,

Recently, I attended my church’s annual conference, a larger version of a church’s administration board. The first night ran late and the buses that took us to our accommodations had already punched off the clock. People were left stranded. I was, like everyone else, tired, grumpy, and needed to get to sleep.  

My car was parked across the street, and I felt God’s nudge for me to help others. I gave in and began offering rides to those who were not able to walk the long distances to their own accommodation. The multiple car loads I carried offered laughter, a moment of bonding and a reminder of joy hidden in places of giving of one’s self. As the conference went on, I became known as the ‘Uber’ driver and checked each night for anyone who needed a ride.

God reminded me that I am not alone in this world and that my need is never greater than anyone else’s. I never knew the names of those I gave a ride to. And it didn’t matter. As I drove all around the college campus where this event took place, I was reminded that giving is joy in action.  

This was God’s lesson to me that each time we choose to act for our own benefit and not consider others, we lose a little respect, dignity, even integrity for ourselves and we don’t even realize it. When we act in a manner that promotes the wellbeing of others in accordance with God’s will, God’s purpose, and God’s way, we create an atmosphere that is akin to peace, hope and grace.  

In 2 Peter, we are called to be on our guard, to be aware of our personal interaction with the world around us, to live a life that promotes compassion. It is not up to us to decide how another person lives. It is not up to us to determine how others behave. It is up to us to make those choices for ourselves and to stop and help others when and where they need it.  

It comes down to cooperative living. To assist others even when we don’t feel particularly generous.  God will give you the gift of joy for the moment, and memories for a lifetime. Be on guard against selfish choices in yourself, instead, be joy-filled in your daily step. Be the kind of person who you would need in times of being stranded. Be the kind of person who seeks peace through the grace of a loving God, and you will always be rewarded with joy.

Be blessed, 

Reverend Christine Lindeberg

Rev. Lindeberg is pastor at First United Methodist Church Walton, Downsville, East Branch and Roscoe