Rural Mental Health Symposium July 11


There will be a Rural Mental Health Symposium July 11, at 6 p.m., at the Colonel Harper Grange Hall, 170 Wilcox Road, Harpersfield

Founder and Chairman of Rural Minds Jeff Winton, and Elaine Eaton of NY FarmNet will present about the silent epidemic having a devastating impact on rural communities. 

Rural Americans have higher rates of both depression and suicide than people who live in urban areas.  

This mental health symposium is co-sponsored by the members of the Grange and the Stamford Wellness Center. Recognizing that self-reliance and a do-it-yourself mindset are common among many individuals who live in rural communities, Rural Minds is partnering with individuals and organizations to help empower rural Americans with information, resources, and training to become part of the solution to improving rural mental health and preventing suicide. 

Anyone is welcome to attend. All are welcome. Table displays by Stamford Wellness, NY FarmNet, and Rural Minds will be set to view during refreshments, and one-on-one time with the speakers.