Ready, Set, Toss!

Cornhole Tournaments


On Tuesday night, Aug. 13 at 7 p.m., and Saturday, Aug. 17 at noon, there will be a cornhole tournament sponsored by All-in Cornhole. Whether you’re a seasoned cornhole pro or a casual player, this event promises fun and competition.

When: Tuesday, Aug. 13

Sign up: 6-6:45 p.m., bags toss at 7 p.m.

Entry Fee: $50 per team

When: Saturday, Aug. 17

Sign up: Sign-ups from 11-11:45 a.m., bags toss at noon

Entry Fee: $50 per team


1st Place $1,000

2nd Place $500

3rd Place $200

4th Place $50

Gather your team and get ready to show off your cornhole skills. It’s the perfect opportunity to enjoy some friendly rivalry and have a great time. Don’t miss out on this chance to win fantastic prizes.