Delaware Opportunities will hold an election for a representative to the Board of Directors from the town of Colchester on Wednesday, Oct. 9. Voting will take place by ballot at the Downsville Food Pantry located at 15151 State Highway 30, Downsville. Colchester residents who meet income criteria can vote between 10 a.m. and noon on the 9th. Ballots can also be mailed upon request by calling Katie at 607-746-1603. A fillable form version of the ballot can also be emailed upon request.
The purpose of the election is to provide low-income residents in Colchester with a representative who will bring their concerns and needs to the attention of the Delaware Opportunities Board of Directors.
Art Edel is running for the seat. To vote, individuals must be residents of the town of Colchester and have income at or below 200% of the federal poverty level. Ballots may be cast for Edel or a write-in candidate at the Downsville Food Pantry on Oct. 9.