Delaware Opportunities seeks Margaretville board member


The election of a Delaware Opportunities Margaretville representative director will take place through Monday, March 18. Voting will take place via ballot at the Hamden Food Bank, 35430 state Highway 10, Hamden, or online via the agency’s website or Facebook page. Ballots can also be mailed upon request by calling Jen at 607-746-1604. A fillable form version of the ballot can also be emailed upon request.

Bradley Moore is running for the seat. Voters must be residents of the town or village of Margaretville or the Margaretville area and have income at or below 200% of the federal poverty level. Ballots can be cast for Moore or a write-in candidate  at the food bank in Hamden.

The purpose of the election is to provide low-income residents of the town/village of Margaretville with a representative who will bring their concerns and needs to the attention Delaware Opportunities.