Condolences to Shirley Warren and her family on the passing of her husband, Wesley Warren.
Prayers and get well wishes to Jane O’Dell.
The town’s bicentennial meeting will be held Thursday, Sept. 28 at 6 p.m. at the Hamden Town Hall. Come with your suggestions and be ready to help.
Friends Bill and Charle Cash, Mark and Dawn Cortwright, Gracie Telian, Jim and Joanne DeWitt, Wayne Shepard, and Linda Shepard met at Danny’s in Walton for lunch on Saturday and to celebrate Bill and Gracie’s birthdays. Gracie, a few weeks ago, hurt her leg and had been hobbling around and as a joke Jim presented her a artificial leg wrapped up in a blanket. We all, including Gracie, had a big laugh over Jim’s speech and his leg presentation to Gracie. Thanks to Gracie for the fun and our dinner.
Hamden Schoolhouse Museum on East River Road is open so visitors may see the many interesting items displayed there. Historians Caroline and William Wright will be available 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 24; Sunday, Oct. 8 and Saturday, Oct. 21 or by appointment. Call 607-746-7479.
Delhi Farmers Market - Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Delhi Village Square.
Bingo at Delhi American Legion is held Wednesdays at 7 p.m. Come and bring a friend.
Grandma’s recipe for Vegetable Medley; 2 celery ribs, chopped, 1 medium green pepper chopped, 2 Tblsp. chopped onion, 2 Tblsp. butter or margarine, 3 small zucchini quartered, 1 medium tomato chopped, 1 Tblsp onion soup mix. In a skillet saute celery, green pepper and onion in butter for 6 to 8 minutes. Add zucchini, cook and stir until tender. Add tomato and soup mix, cook and stir until the tomato is tender.
My Thoughts of the week: College is back in session so be careful because traffic around Delhi is heavy and fast. Kids are always in a hurry to get where they want to go.
Lynn Kinch’s joke of the week: A young woman applying for a clerk job took a test that included the question, “What is the distance of the earth from the sun?” She responded, “I am unable to state this accurately but I don’t believe the sun is close enough to interfere with the proper performance of my duties if I get this position.” And she did.
Senior Moments: A grandmother was sitting with her young granddaughter. “A penny for your thoughts, dear?” “Sorry grandma,” replied the young girl. “Maybe it was a penny in your day but with inflation all my thoughts are at least 85 cents, plus tax.”
A cute saying: America is a land of wonders.
Helpful Hints: Take an egg camping. Instead of worrying about transporting eggs on your next camping trip, break your eggs into a plastic wide mouth thermos jug. You don’t have to baby them, just keep the container cool. The egg won’t break - they won’t even separate from their own whites.
Worship services for the DeLancey, Hamden and West Delhi Churches during September will be held in Hamden Church at 11 a.m. with Rev. Connie Stone.
If you enjoy reading this column send your news to me at or call 607-746-6860.