I need your help if you enjoy reading this column. Send your news to me at lshepard@delhitel.net or call 607-746-6860
Worship services for the DeLancey, Hamden and West Delhi Churches during the month of July will be held in West Delhi Church at 11 a.m. with Rev. Connie Stone.
I hope those of you that have a July birthday can find a pool to cool off into Bill Troost, Joy Hamilton, Wayne Shepard, Mark Wilbur, Loretta Weaver, Ben VanDusen, Katrina MacDonald, Dale Roloson, Spring Piroha, Donna Anderson, Kristy Fitch, Connor Bruning, Steve Lukac, Sarah Scobie, Bobby Bishop, Jenelle Wilson, Corky Oliver, Malaya Schriver, Lynn Kinch, Pam Mason, Lucas Kaufman, Ryder Wilson, Addison Avery, Diana VerNooy. Emily Shepard
Hamden Schoolhouse Museum on East River Road is now open for visitors to come see the many interesting items from past years on display there. Historians Caroline and William Wright will be available on these dates to show you around. Open 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday, July 30, In August: Sunday 20 and 26; September: Saturday 9, Sunday 24; October: Sunday, 8, Saturday, 21. or by appointment call 607-746-7479.
We are very sorry to learn of the passing away of a one-time DeLancey resident Ronald Adams. Back in the 1970s, Ron, his now deceased wife Carolyn and their two children, Lou Ann and Diane, lived here and Ron was a teacher At D.A..
Our sympathy is extended to all the family and friends of Minnie Miller, a life long member of Hamden who passed away on July 8.
Hamden Senior Citizens monthly dish to pass dinner and meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 26 at the Hamden Town Hall Meeting Room at noon. Bring your dish to pass and your own table service and enjoy your friends for a nice dinner.
Delhi Farmers Market is held Wednesdays, from9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Delhi Village Square.
Bingo at Delhi American Legion, Wednesdays at 7 p.m. Come and bring a friend.
July 22nd is Pajama Day; 23rd is Gorgeous Grandma Day, Day of the Cowboy, Hot Enough for You Day; 24th is Tell an Old Joke Day, Cousins Day, Drive-Thru Day; 25th is Hire a Vet Day, Threading the Needle Day, Merry Go Round Day and International Red Shoes Day, Wine and Cheese Day, 26th Aunts and Uncles Day, One voice Day, Bagel Fest Day, 27Walk on Stilts Day, Love is Kind Day
Grandma’s recipe: Sunshine Muffins; 1 1/2 cups flour, 1 cup whole wheat flour, 1 2/3 cups sugar, 2 tsp baking powder, 1/2 tsp salt, 3/4 cup butter or margarine, melted, 3 eggs, beaten, 2/3 cup fresh orange juice, 1 tsp vanilla, 1 tsp orange extract, 1 Tblsp orange marmalade, 1/2 cup chopped walnuts. Combine flours, sugar, baking powder and salt in large bowl. Add remaining ingredients, stir just until moistened. (Batter will be lumpy.) Fill greased or paper lined muffin cups. Bake at 350 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes or until tested done. Makes 15 to 18 muffins
My Thoughts of the Week: The weather was a lot nicer this week for Delhi Fair Square. Everyone enjoyed their time at the vendors and helping the kids have fun.
Lynn Kinch’s Joke of the Week: During a heat wave a man went to a store to buy a hand fan. There were two similar in make and model but one was 25 cents and the other 50 cents. The man opted for the cheaper one. Before he left the store the owner tried to tell the man how they worked but he wasn’t interested a fan is a fan is a fan and he knew how to work it. The 25 cent fan broke. The man came back yelling that the fan was no good. The owner explained that he should have stayed for the operating instructions. With the 50 cent fan you move your wrist left and right to get the air flowing he said. With the 25 cent fan you hold the fan steady in your wrist and move your head left to right.
Senior Moments: I got a gym membership after I retired and I was flabbergasted at how high tech all the exercise equipment was. I had been working out for an hour before I realized I was actually just spinning on an office chair.
A cute saying: Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars and see yourself running with them..
Helpful Hints: Any time you spend more than a few minutes outside on a hot summer day be sure to have plenty of fluids at hand and remember to drink them. Eating high water content foods counts as hydrating too most summer produce fits the bill.