DCHA Flower Show Trip March 6


Join the Delaware County Historical Association (DCHA) on a bus trip to the Philadelphia Flower Show, the nation’s largest and longest-running horticultural event, featuring stunning displays by the world’s premier floral, garden and landscape designers. Now in its 196th year, the award-winning show is a one-of-a-kind, marquee event known the globe over for its exquisite and immersive floral exhibits, world-class plant competitions, family-friendly activities, educational offerings and shopping.

Passengers will be on their own for food on this trip. There will be food vendors at the flower show and restaurants within walking distance of the convention center.

For more information, visit phsonline.org/the-flower-show

The cost for this trip is $155 for DCHA members, and $180 for non-members. The price includes transportation and flower show admission, plus a donation to DCHA. Passengers may board the bus in Oneonta or Delhi. For further information or reservations call 607-746-3849 or email dchadelhi@gmail.com 

Reservations required by Feb. 10.