Video: Revocation of official newspaper designation, arrest of 11 year old, DelCo ADA appointment, more

Friday, Sept. 8, 2023


The Reporter's Editor Lillian Browne answered questions about the state of local journalism and shared her views on why integrity in leadership is important. Elected officials, especially those in Delaware County, must be educated about Open Meetings Law and its requirements to better serve their constituency, the public and fulfill their roles as public servants, she said.

WIOX Host Joyce St. George takes a deep dive into the revocation of The Reporter's designation as official newspaper of Delaware County, arrest of an 11 year old child in Bovina and the hiring of a former town justice, who was censured by New York State and banned from holding a justice position, and is now serving as Delaware County's Assistant District Attorney, and more - in this interview conducted Friday, Sept. 8, 2023.

To read previous coverage on the stories mentioned in this episode: Roxbury attorney left justice seat for Chief ADA post

Bovina electeds direct arrest of 11-year-old

Mountain out of a molehill,’ lawyer says, Criminal case against Bovina child closed,87734?

Bovina electeds feel unsafe, supervisor says

To read about revocation of official newspaper designation: Defending the First Amendment

To read about police reform by Delaware County: DelCo Adopts Police Reform Plan, Sheriff Deems Dissent ‘Disrespectful’

To read Mole' statements defaming and slandering news media: Delaware County DSS Commissioner Fired 

Delhi Council Members Question County Police Reform Draft Plan, Cite Concerns Delhi Supervisor: There was never a race issue in Delaware County

DelCo Police Reform Committee Seeks Survey Participation

* Note - St. George misstates ADA David Rikard as Delaware County's Chief Assistant District Attorney. That position is held by ADA Schuyler Konior Kinneman