FUDR and DEP host aqueduct shutdown info session May 21


HANCOCK - Learn about potential impacts to the Upper Delaware River by the Oct. 1 temporary shutdown of the Delaware Aqueduct on May 21 from 10 a.m. to noon, at FUDR, 158 E. Front Street, Hancock (or by Zoom).

There are many questions hovering around the project like: Will there be an impact on water releases? When will the pre-construction drawdown of the reservoirs begin? What is the target level for reservoir storage volume on Oct. 1? How can local communities be assured that flood risks are minimized? What are the “go-no go” considerations for launching or postponing the project? How will the reservoirs be managed in the spring of 2025 when the project is coming to a close?

To RSVP visit docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeh3bmrMIJM7mlJiaQ80lMlLIQctRTb3RYjKaKMsD5tHwDp8A/viewform

For more information email info@fudr.org