Lower Riddell State Park Hike


Join the local chapter of the Adirondack Mountain Club for a hike lead by Linda Pearce - meeting time and place call 607-432-8969.  Always call leaders for details. Participants must have a level of fitness appropriate for the type of activity and must bring proper clothing and gear, including enough water to stay hydrated.  These hikes are relatively easy, short distances over rolling or flat terrain at a leisurely pace.

The Susquehanna Chapter also meets once a month on the third Wednesday in the evening. The winter meetings will be held at the Elm Park United Methodist Church community room at 401 Chestnut Street in Oneonta starting at 6 p.m. with a covered dish supper. For those not attending the supper the program starts at 7 p.m. All interested persons may attend a meeting, both members and non-members. Your executive committee, wishing to reduce our carbon footprint, encourages members from outside Oneonta to carpool to meetings and activities.

Event Date
Tuesday, February 4, 2025