DELAWARE COUNTY PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE FEMA-4825-DR-NY The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) hereby gives notice to the public of its intent to reimburse eligible applicants for eligible costs to repair and or replace facilities damaged by the Remnants of Tropical Storm Debby in New York State during the period of August 8 through August 10, 2024. This notice applies to Public Assistance (PA) and the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) implemented under the authority of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 5121- 5207. Under major disaster declaration FEMA-4825-DR-NY signed by the President on September 24, 2024, the following designated counties have been adversely affected by the disaster and are eligible for PA and HMGP assistance Public Assistance (Assistance for emergency work and or the repair or replacement of disaster-damaged facilities) Allegany, Boone, Delaware, Essex, Franklin, Jefferson, Ontario, Steuben, St. Lawrence and Yates Counties, and counties added in the future to the disaster declaration, as applicable. Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (Assistance for actions taken to prevent or reduce long term risk to life and property from natural hazards) All counties in the State of New York are eligible for HMGP funding. This public notice concerns activities that may affect historic properties, activities located in or may otherwise affect wetland areas or the 100-year floodplain, and critical actions within the 500-year floodplain. Such activities may adversely affect historic properties, floodplains, or wetlands or may result in continuing vulnerability to flood damage. Presidential Executive Orders 11988 and 11990 require that all federal actions in or affecting floodplains or wetlands be reviewed for opportunities to relocate and evaluated for social, economic, historic preservation, environmental, legal, and safety considerations. Where there is no opportunity to relocate, FEMA is required to undertake a detailed review to determine what measures can be taken to minimize future damages. The public is invited to participate in the process of identifying alternatives and analyzing their impacts. FEMA has determined that for certain types of facilities there are normally no alternatives to restoration in the floodplain wetland. These are facilities that meet all of the following criteria 1) FEMA’s estimate of the cost of repairs is less than 50 percent of the cost to replace the entire facility and is less than $364,000; 2) the facility is not located in a floodway; 3) the facility has not sustained significant structural damage in a previous Presidentially declared flooding disaster or emergency; and 4) the facility is not critical, where critical public facilities include those for police, fire protection emergency services, medical care, education, libraries, utilities, and other essential community services, the administrative and support facilities essential to their operation, as well as major communication centers and facilities designed for bulk storage of chemicals, petrochemicals, hazardous or toxic substances or floatable materials. FEMA intends to provide assistance for the restoration of these facilities to their pre-disaster condition, and specific measures to mitigate the effects of future flooding or other hazards may be included in the work. For routine activities, this will be the only public notice provided. Other activities and those involving facilities that do not meet the four criteria are required to undergo more detailed review, including the study of alternative locations and consideration of nature-based solutions. Subsequent public notices regarding such projects will be published, if necessary, as more specific information becomes available. Executive Order 14030, which reinstated Executive Order 13690, requires that identified federal actions meet the Federal Flood Risk Management Standard (FFRMS). FEMA implemented its FFRMS Policy FP-206-24-005 on September 9, 2024. This standard must be met for identified actions unless a state, local, tribal, or territorial government has a higher standard. In many cases, an applicant may have started facility restoration before federal involvement. Even if the facility must undergo detailed review and analysis of alternate locations, FEMA will fund eligible restoration at the original location if the facility is functionally dependent on its floodplain location (e.g., bridges and piers) or the project facilitates an open space use or the facility is an integral part of a larger network that is impractical or uneconomical to relocate, such as a road. In such cases, FEMA must also examine the possible effects of not restoring the facility, minimize floodplain wetland impacts, and determine both that an overriding public need for the facility clearly outweighs the Executive Order requirements to avoid the floodplain wetland and that the site is the only practical alternative. State of New York and local officials will confirm to FEMA that proposed actions comply with all applicable State and local floodplain management and wetland protection requirements. FEMA funded projects are reviewed in compliance with Executive Order (EO) 12898 Environmental Justice, which requires federal agencies to identify disproportionate and high adverse human health or environmental burdens to low-income and minority populations. Applicants can play a critical role in achieving Environmental Justice by identifying the presence of low-income and minority populations so that disproportionate impacts to human health and environmental hazards can be considered early in the project development stage and avoided when possible. The following types of projects may trigger EO 12898, including but not limited to temporary housing, debris staging, and disposal, road repair that requires detours, temporary or relocation actions, and drainage improvements actions in floodplains. FEMA intends to provide HMGP funding to the State of New York to mitigate future disaster damages. These projects may include the construction of new facilities, modification of existing undamaged facilities, relocation of facilities out of floodplains, demolition of structures, or other types of projects to mitigate future disaster damages. In the course of developing project proposals, subsequent public notices will be published, if necessary, as more information becomes available. The National Historic Preservation Act requires federal agencies to take into account the effects of their undertakings on historic properties. Those actions or activities affecting buildings, structures, districts, or objects 50 years or older or that affect archaeological sites or undisturbed ground will require further review to determine if the property is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (Register). If the property is determined to be eligible for the Register, and FEMA’s undertaking will adversely affect it, FEMA will provide additional public notices. For historic properties not adversely affected by FEMA’s undertaking, this will be the only public notice. As noted, this may be the only public notice regarding the above- described actions under the FEMA grant programs for DR-4825. Interested persons may obtain information about these actions or a specific project by writing to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Region 2, Leo O’Brien Building, STE 600, 11A Clinton Avenue, Albany, NY 12207- 2335, or via e-mail to Comments should be sent in writing to the attention of the Federal Coordinating Officer at the above address within 15 days of the date of this notice.
TOWN OF SIDNEY PUBLIC NOTICE The Town Council of The Town of Sidney has scheduled a public hearing for December 12, 2024, at 7 00 p.m. in the Town Building 44 Grand Street, Sidney NY. The purpose of the hearing is to obtain citizens’ views and comments relative to the submission of an application to Empire State Development for financial assistance under the Restore NY Communities Initiative. The following properties will be submitted for consideration [The Tri-Town Hospital Building – 43 Pearl St, 72,000 square feet]. This project includes roofing and HVAC renovation.
DELAWARE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORMATION OF A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 5617 SH 268 LLC. Filed with SSNY on 08 26 2024. Office Delaware County. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to 53 MAIN STREET, SIDNEY, NY, 13838. Purpose Any Lawful
TOWN OF MEREDITH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Meredith Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, December 2, 2024, at Meredith Town Hall located at 4247 Turnpike Road, Delhi, NY, 13753, to consider a two (2)-lot minor subdivision of Tax ID #81.-1-17.2, a 183.60-acre property owned by Thomas R. Davis and Ellen A. Davis located at 1235 Turnpike Road. Said hearing to commence at 6 45PM at which time all persons wishing to speak shall be heard. The public hearing will be immediately followed by the regular Planning Board meeting. Anyone wishing to view the Bush and Ross from Davis survey prior to the December 2 public hearing may do so by visiting Meredith Town Hall between the hours of 10 00am and 4 00pm on Tuesdays, and 10 00am and 2 00pm on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Anyone wishing to submit written comments may do so by mailing them to Meredith Town Hall, Attn Planning Board, 4247 Turnpike Road, Delhi, NY, 13753, or emailing them to the Planning Board Secretary at m. Amy Lieberman – Planning Board Secretary
TOWN OF DELHI LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Public Hearing The Town of Delhi Planning Board will hold a public hearing on the following application for final plat approval of a minor subdivision located at the intersection of Huska Road and Tanglewood Lake Road. Said lands are shown on tax map section 215 block 1 as lot 37.111. Said hearing will take place on November 25, 2024, at 6 30 PM at the Delhi Town Hall 5 Elm Street Delhi, NY 13753 at which time all interested parties will be heard. By Order of the Town of Delhi Planning Board David Wakin, Administrative Assistant
DELAWARE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORMATION OF A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY LDGLOVER LLC. Filed with SSNY on 10 07 2024. Office Delaware County. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to 173 WEST MAIN STREET, STAMFORD, NY, 12167. Purpose Any Lawful
DELAWARE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORMATION OF A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY VANDUSEN TECH LLC. Filed with SSNY on 10 02 2024. Office Delaware County. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to 59 FRANKLIN ST, DELHI, NY 13753. Purpose Any Lawful
VILLAGE OF DELHI LEGAL NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the next General Village of Delhi Election for officers will be held on Tuesday, March 18, 2025 and The Board of Trustee s designates as vacant, at the end of the current official year to be filled at the Village Election, the following terms One (1) Mayor for four (4) years Two (2) Trustees for four (4) years Pamela Ferguson Village Clerk
DELAWARE COUNTY NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF DELAWARE NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC D B A MR. COOPER, -against- JUANITA SMITH, AS HEIR AND DISTRIBUTEE OF THE ESTATE OF CHARLES A. SMITH, ET AL. NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure and entered in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Delaware on January 31, 2024, wherein NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC D B A MR. COOPER is the Plaintiff and JUANITA SMITH, AS HEIR AND DISTRIBUTEE OF THE ESTATE OF CHARLES A. SMITH, ET AL. are the Defendant(s). I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the DELAWARE COUNTY COURTHOUSE, 3 COURT STREET, DELHI, NY 13753, on December 18, 2024 at 3 00PM, premises known as 1780 ROSES BROOK ROAD, STAMFORD, NY 13842; and the following tax map identification, 131-1-5. ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND, SITUATE IN THE TOWN OF STAMFORD, COUNTY OF DELAWARE AND STATE OF NEW YORK Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index No. EF2020-427. Melinda A. Jahn, Esq. - Referee. Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, Crane & Partners, PLLC 900 Merchants Concourse, Suite 310, Westbury, New York 11590, Attorneys for Plaintiff. All foreclosure sales will be conducted in accordance with Covid-19 guidelines including, but not limited to, social distancing and mask wearing. LOCATION OF SALE SUBJECT TO CHANGE DAY OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH COURT CLERK DIRECTIVES.
DELAWARE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORMATION OF A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY KORTRIGHT STORAGE LLC. Filed with SSNY on 10 07 2024. Office Delaware County. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to RICHARD FRANCO, 50 COLE LANE, DAVENPORT, NY 13570. Purpose Any Lawful
VILLAGE OF FRANKLIN PUBLIC NOTICE PROPERTY ASSESSMENT LIST RESTORE NEW YORK COMMUNITIES INITIATIVE PROGRAM The Village of Franklin intends to seek grant funding under the Restore NY Communities Initiative to facilitate revitalizing urban and rural areas, disadvantaged communities, and stabilizing neighborhoods. Pursuant to the requirement of the grant application, a description of the location, size, and nature of each property, whether the property is proposed to be demolished, deconstructed, rehabilitated, or reconstructed, and the status of the property is as follows # Address Sq. Ft. Type Activity Status 1 444 Main St., Franklin, NY 3,400 Commercial Rehab Vacant 13775 2 438 Main St., Franklin, NY 7,600 Commercial Rehab Vacant 13775 3 Main St., Franklin, NY 13775 3,740 Commercial Rehab Vacant
DELAWARE COUNTY PUBLIC NOTICE 99 Acres LLC filed w SSNY 10 7 24. Off. in Delaware Co. Process served to SSNY - desig. as agt. of LLC & mailed to the LLC, 863 Howard Greene Rd, Denver, NY 12421. Any lawful purpose.
CATSKILL WATERSHED CORPORATION INVITATION FOR BIDS The Catskill Watershed Corporation (CWC) is seeking qualified entities for the demolition and removal of structures in the Town of Shandaken, Ulster County on two properties purchased pursuant to the NYCDEP funded Flood Buyout Program and approved by the Town. A mandatory pre-bid conference will be held on at 10 00 AM on December 11, 2024. Bids must be received at CWC by 3 00 PM, December 26, 2024. For bid documents please contact John Mathiesen or Timothy Cox at 845-586-1400. EOE
DELAWARE COUNTY LEGAL NOTICE Sealed bids will be received as set forth in instructions to bidders until 10 30 A.M. on Thursday, December 19, 2024 at the NYSDOT, Office of Contract Management, 50 Wolf Rd, 1st Floor, Suite 1CM, Albany, NY 12232 and will be publicly opened and read. Bids may also be submitted via the internet using A certified cashier's check payable to the NYSDOT for the sum specified in the proposal or a bid bond, form CONR 391, representing 5% of the bid total, must accompany each bid. NYSDOT reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Electronic documents and Amendments are posted to doing- business opportunities const- notices. The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that all Amendments are incorporated into its bid. To receive notification of Amendments via e-mail you must submit a request to be placed on the Planholders List at doing- business opportunities const- planholder. Amendments may have been issued prior to your placement on the Planholders list. NYS Finance Law restricts communication with NYSDOT on procurements and contact can only be made with designated persons. Contact with non-designated persons or other involved Agencies will be considered a serious matter and may result in disqualification. Contact Robert Kitchen (518)457- 2124. Contracts with 0% Goals are generally single operation contracts, where subcontracting is not expected, and may present direct bidding opportunities for Small Business Firms, including, but not limited to D M WBE's and SDVOBs. The New York State Department of Transportation, in accordance with the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office the Secretary, Part 21, Nondiscrimination in Federally- assisted programs of the Department of Transportation and Title 23 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 200, Title IV Program and Related Statutes, as amended, issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifies all who respond to a written Department solicitation, request for proposal or invitation for bid that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability handicap and income status in consideration for an award. BIDDERS SHOULD BE ADVISED THAT AWARD OF THESE CONTRACTS MAY BE CONTINGENT UPON THE PASSAGE OF A BUDGET APPROPRIATION BILL BY THE LEGISLATURE AND GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Please call (518)457-2124 if a reasonable accommodation is needed to participate in the letting. Region 09 New York State Department of Transportation 44 Hawley Street, Binghamton, NY, 13901 D265359, PIN 980759, FA Proj , Broome, Chenango, Delaware Cos., BRIDGE REHAB ENVIRO IMPROVEMENT - Towns of Chenango & Union Center, Hancock & Maine, Village of Oxford., Bid Deposit 5% of Bid (~ $75,000.00), Goals DBE 6.00% D265339, PIN 909596, FA Proj , Delaware Co., BRIDGE REPLACEMENT - NY Route 10 over Elk Creek, Town of Delhi., Bid Deposit 5% of Bid (~ $200,000.00), Goals DBE 6.00% D265380, PIN 9M1025, FA Proj , Broome, Chenango, Delaware, Otsego, Schoharie, Sullivan, Tioga Cos., BRIDGE WASHING - Various Locations., Bid Deposit 5% of Bid (~ $125,000.00), Goals DBE 6.00%
VILLAGE OF WALTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY given that a public hearing will be held by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Walton, Delaware County, New York, at the Village Hall, 21 North Street, Walton, New York on the 2nd day of December, 2024 at 6 00 p.m. to hear public opinion on Local Law 2024-5 to amend Chapter 176 to add “Excessive Noise”. All interested parties and citizens will be heard who are for or against this addition. A copy of the resolution is available for inspection at the Village Hall during regular business hours. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF WALTON. Jody L. Brown, Village Clerk- Treasurer
BROOME COUNTY PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE FEMA-4825-DR-NY The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) hereby gives notice to the public of its intent to reimburse eligible applicants for eligible costs to repair and or replace facilities damaged by the Remnants of Tropical Storm Debby in New York State during the period of August 8 through August 10, 2024. This notice applies to Public Assistance (PA) and the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) implemented under the authority of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 5121- 5207. Under major disaster declaration FEMA-4825-DR-NY signed by the President on September 24, 2024, the following designated counties have been adversely affected by the disaster and are eligible for PA and HMGP assistance Public Assistance (Assistance for emergency work and or the repair or replacement of disaster-damaged facilities) Allegany, Boone, Delaware, Essex, Franklin, Jefferson, Ontario, Steuben, St. Lawrence and Yates Counties, and counties added in the future to the disaster declaration, as applicable. Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (Assistance for actions taken to prevent or reduce long term risk to life and property from natural hazards) All counties in the State of New York are eligible for HMGP funding. This public notice concerns activities that may affect historic properties, activities located in or may otherwise affect wetland areas or the 100-year floodplain, and critical actions within the 500-year floodplain. Such activities may adversely affect historic properties, floodplains, or wetlands or may result in continuing vulnerability to flood damage. Presidential Executive Orders 11988 and 11990 require that all federal actions in or affecting floodplains or wetlands be reviewed for opportunities to relocate and evaluated for social, economic, historic preservation, environmental, legal, and safety considerations. Where there is no opportunity to relocate, FEMA is required to undertake a detailed review to determine what measures can be taken to minimize future damages. The public is invited to participate in the process of identifying alternatives and analyzing their impacts. FEMA has determined that for certain types of facilities there are normally no alternatives to restoration in the floodplain wetland. These are facilities that meet all of the following criteria 1) FEMA’s estimate of the cost of repairs is less than 50 percent of the cost to replace the entire facility and is less than $364,000; 2) the facility is not located in a floodway; 3) the facility has not sustained significant structural damage in a previous Presidentially declared flooding disaster or emergency; and 4) the facility is not critical, where critical public facilities include those for police, fire protection emergency services, medical care, education, libraries, utilities, and other essential community services, the administrative and support facilities essential to their operation, as well as major communication centers and facilities designed for bulk storage of chemicals, petrochemicals, hazardous or toxic substances or floatable materials. FEMA intends to provide assistance for the restoration of these facilities to their pre-disaster condition, and specific measures to mitigate the effects of future flooding or other hazards may be included in the work. For routine activities, this will be the only public notice provided. Other activities and those involving facilities that do not meet the four criteria are required to undergo more detailed review, including the study of alternative locations and consideration of nature-based solutions. Subsequent public notices regarding such projects will be published, if necessary, as more specific information becomes available. Executive Order 14030, which reinstated Executive Order 13690, requires that identified federal actions meet the Federal Flood Risk Management Standard (FFRMS). FEMA implemented its FFRMS Policy FP-206-24-005 on September 9, 2024. This standard must be met for identified actions unless a state, local, tribal, or territorial government has a higher standard. In many cases, an applicant may have started facility restoration before federal involvement. Even if the facility must undergo detailed review and analysis of alternate locations, FEMA will fund eligible restoration at the original location if the facility is functionally dependent on its floodplain location (e.g., bridges and piers) or the project facilitates an open space use or the facility is an integral part of a larger network that is impractical or uneconomical to relocate, such as a road. In such cases, FEMA must also examine the possible effects of not restoring the facility, minimize floodplain wetland impacts, and determine both that an overriding public need for the facility clearly outweighs the Executive Order requirements to avoid the floodplain wetland and that the site is the only practical alternative. State of New York and local officials will confirm to FEMA that proposed actions comply with all applicable State and local floodplain management and wetland protection requirements. FEMA funded projects are reviewed in compliance with Executive Order (EO) 12898 Environmental Justice, which requires federal agencies to identify disproportionate and high adverse human health or environmental burdens to low-income and minority populations. Applicants can play a critical role in achieving Environmental Justice by identifying the presence of low-income and minority populations so that disproportionate impacts to human health and environmental hazards can be considered early in the project development stage and avoided when possible. The following types of projects may trigger EO 12898, including but not limited to temporary housing, debris staging, and disposal, road repair that requires detours, temporary or relocation actions, and drainage improvements actions in floodplains. FEMA intends to provide HMGP funding to the State of New York to mitigate future disaster damages. These projects may include the construction of new facilities, modification of existing undamaged facilities, relocation of facilities out of floodplains, demolition of structures, or other types of projects to mitigate future disaster damages. In the course of developing project proposals, subsequent public notices will be published, if necessary, as more information becomes available. The National Historic Preservation Act requires federal agencies to take into account the effects of their undertakings on historic properties. Those actions or activities affecting buildings, structures, districts, or objects 50 years or older or that affect archaeological sites or undisturbed ground will require further review to determine if the property is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (Register). If the property is determined to be eligible for the Register, and FEMA’s undertaking will adversely affect it, FEMA will provide additional public notices. For historic properties not adversely affected by FEMA’s undertaking, this will be the only public notice. As noted, this may be the only public notice regarding the above- described actions under the FEMA grant programs for DR-4825. Interested persons may obtain information about these actions or a specific project by writing to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Region 2, Leo O’Brien Building, STE 600, 11A Clinton Avenue, Albany, NY 12207- 2335, or via e-mail to Comments should be sent in writing to the attention of the Federal Coordinating Officer at the above address within 15 days of the date of this notice.
TOWN OF MASONVILLE PUBLIC NOTICE ANNUAL ELECTION OF THE MASONVILLE FIRE DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Take Notice that the annual election of Masonville Fire District will take place on December 10, 2024 between the hours of 6 pm and 9 pm at the Masonville Fire House, 15488 State Route 8, Masonville. The purpose of this election will be to elect two(2) commissioners for 5 year term each and a Treasurer for a three(3) year term commencing on January 9, 2025. Any registered voter in the Masonville Fire District is eligible to vote. Candidates wishing to run for a position must register with the District Secretary by November 29, 2024 to be placed on the ballot. Michael Odell Masonville Fire District Secretary.
TOWN OF FRANKLIN LEGAL NOTICE Pursuant to Highway Law Sec. 205-a, the following Town of Franklin roads have been designated Seasonal Limited Use Highways by The Town Board effective December 1, 2024 to April 1, 2025 - Pomeroy Rd. beginning .5 mile from Case Hill Rd to .9 from Blue School Rd. - Olive Whitbeck Rd. beginning .2 mile from Russell Rd. to Ed Klug Rd. - Lelund Hull Rd, beginning 1 mile from Campbell Rd. to East Handsome Brook Rd. -Beebe Rd. - Crystal Creek Rd. Jamie Archibald Superintendent of Highways Town of Franklin N.Y.
DELAWARE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORMATION OF A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY BLUE SKYE SOLUTIONS LLC. Filed with SSNY on 09 12 2024. Office Delaware County. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to 18 EAST 12TH STREET #1A, NEW YORK, NY, 10003. Purpose Any Lawful
TOWN OF WALTON LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Walton Fire District will hold it's annual election for the purpose of electing one (1) commissioner for a term of five years commencing on January 1, 2025, and the position of one (1) commissioner to fill the remainder of a vacated two- year term which ends December 31, 2026. The election will be held on Tuesday, December 10, 2024 at the Walton Fire Station, 61 West St., Walton, NY between the hours of 6 00 PM and 9 00 PM and is open to all registered voters who reside in the Walton Fire District. Lenore A. Dutcher Secretary Walton Fire District
DELAWARE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORMATION OF A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY WALTON NY RENTALS LLC Articles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 10 24 24. Office in Delaware Co. SSNY desig. agent of LLC whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to 4534 County Road 47, Walton, NY 13856. Purpose Any lawful purpose.
DELAWARE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORMATION OF A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY DGA ESTATES LLC Arts of Org. filed SSNY 10 23 2024 Dutchess Co. SSNY design agent for process & shall mail to 418 BRDWAY STE R, ALBANY, NY, 12207, USA General Purpose
DELAWARE COUNTY LEGAL NOTICE Supplemental Summons and Notice of Object of Action Supreme Court Of The State Of New York County Of Delaware Action To Foreclose A Mortgage Index # EF2023-685 Mortgage Assets Management, LLC Plaintiff, vs Unknown Heirs Of Theresa Cipriano If Living, And If He She Be Dead, Any And All Persons Unknown To Plaintiff, Claiming, Or Who May Claim To Have An Interest In, Or General Or Specific Lien Upon The Real Property Described In This Action; Such Unknown Persons Being Herein Generally Described And Intended To Be Included In Wife, Widow, Husband, Widower, Heirs At Law, Next Of Kin, Descendants, Executors, Administrators, Devisees, Legatees, Creditors, Trustees, Committees, Lienors, And Assignees Of Such Deceased, Any And All Persons Deriving Interest In Or Lien Upon, Or Title To Said Real Property By, Through Or Under Them, Or Either Of Them, And Their Respective Wives, Widows, Husbands, Widowers, Heirs At Law, Next Of Kin, Descendants, Executors, Administrators, Devisees, Legatees, Creditors, Trustees, Committees, Lienors, And Assigns, All Of Whom And Whose Names, Except As Stated, Are Unknown To Plaintiff, United States Of America On Behalf Of The Secretary Of Housing And Urban Development, People Of The State Of New York, United States Of America On Behalf Of The IRS, Josh A Inserra As Heir To The Estate Of Theresa Cipriano, Rebecca Jean Inserra As Heir To The Estate Of Theresa Cipriano “John Doe #1” Through “John Doe #12,” The Last Twelve Names Being Fictitious And Unknown To Plaintiff, The Persons Or Parties Intended Being The Tenants, Occupants, Persons Or Corporations, If Any, Having Or Claiming An Interest In Or Lien Upon The Subject Property Described In The Complaint, Defendant(s). Mortgaged Premises 52 Main Street Hobart, NY 13788 To the Above named Defendant You are hereby summoned to answer the Complaint in this action, and to serve a copy of your answer, or, if the Complaint is not served with this Supplemental Summons, to serve a notice of appearance, on the Plaintiff(s) attorney(s) within twenty days after the service of this Supplemental Summons, exclusive of the day of service (or within 30 days after the service is complete if this Supplemental Summons is not personally delivered to you within the State of New York). In case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the Complaint. The Attorney for Plaintiff has an office for business in the County of Erie. Trial to be held in the County of Delaware. The basis of the venue designated above is the location of the Mortgaged Premises. TO Unknown Heirs of Theresa Cipriano Defendant In this Action. The foregoing Supplemental Summons is served upon you by publication, pursuant to an order of HON. Brian D. Burns of the Supreme Court Of The State Of New York, dated October 31, 2024 and filed with the Complaint in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Delaware, in the City of Delhi. The object of this action is to foreclosure a mortgage upon the premises described below, dated January 14, 2008, executed by Theresa Cipriano (who died on November 6, 2022, a resident of the county of Delaware, State of New York) to secure the sum of $210,000.00. The Mortgage was recorded at Book 1512, Page 253 in the Office of the Delaware County Clerk on January 24, 2008. The mortgage was subsequently assigned by an assignment executed January 14, 2008 and recorded on January 24, 2008, in the Office of the Delaware County Clerk at Book 1512, Page 265. The mortgage was subsequently assigned by an assignment executed September 25, 2009 and recorded on October 20, 2009, in the Office of the Delaware County Clerk at Book 1627, Page 208. The mortgage was subsequently assigned by an assignment executed March 29, 2016 and recorded on May 23, 2016, in the Office of the Delaware County Clerk at Book 2027, Page 79. The mortgage was subsequently assigned by an assignment executed August 15, 2019 and recorded on October 3, 2019, in the Office of the Delaware County Clerk at Book 2201, Page 146. The mortgage was subsequently assigned by an assignment executed September 21, 2023 and recorded on October 5, 2023, in the Office of the Delaware County Clerk at Instrument Number 6266Book 2451, Page 332. The mortgage was subsequently assigned by an assignment executed April 22, 2024 and recorded on May 10, 2024, in the Office of the Delaware County Clerk at Instrument Number 3149 Book 2477, Page 265. The property in question is described as follows 52 Main Street, Hobart, NY 13788 NOTICE YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME If you do not respond to this summons and complaint by serving a copy of the answer on the attorney for the mortgage company who filed this Foreclosure proceeding against you and filing the answer with the court, a default judgment may be entered and you can lose your home. Speak to an attorney or go to the court where your case is pending for further information on how to answer the summons and protect your property. Sending a payment to your mortgage company will not stop this foreclosure action. YOU MUST RESPOND BY SERVING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF (MORTGAGE COMPANY) AND FILING THE ANSWER WITH THE COURT. DATED November 4, 2024 Gross Polowy LLC Attorney(s) For Plaintiff(s) 1775 Wehrle Drive, Suite 100 Williamsville, NY 14221 The law firm of Gross Polowy LLC and the attorneys whom it employs are debt collectors who are attempting to collect a debt. Any information obtained by them will be used for that purpose. 83367
DELAWARE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORMATION OF A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Notice of Formation of Next Level Leadership Group LLC. Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 11 01 2024. Office location Delaware County. SSNY designated as agent of Limited Liability Company (LLC) upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY should mail process to United States Corporation Agents Inc. 7014 13th Ave, Suite 202, Brooklyn, NY, 11228. Purpose Any lawful purpose.
DELAWARE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORMATION OF A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY SEDNA HOUSE LLC. Filed with SSNY on 10 15 2024. Office Delaware County. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to 501 WEST 123RD STREET,APT.19A, NEW YORK, NY, 10027. Purpose Any Lawful
DELAWARE COUNTY REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL The Rural Health Network of South Central New York is accepting proposals for Transportation and Mobility Services. Proposals will be accepted from not-for-profit organizations or local government service providers to provide services in each of the following three counties Chenango, Delaware, Otsego. Services may include outreach and public education, development of increased transportation capacity, or coordination at the county level. One grant award is anticipated for each county. To receive a copy of the Request for Proposals, please email Cindy Martin at, cc, call (607) 692-7669, or write to Rural Health Network of SCNY, 455 Court St., Binghamton, NY 13904. Questions are due by 4 30 PM EST on November 29, 2024 and proposals must be received electronically by 4 30 PM EST on December 9, 2024.
DELAWARE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORMATION OF A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Notice of Formation of AAG Sand and Gravel LLC. Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 10 25 2024. Office location Delaware County. SSNY designated as agent of Limited Liability Company (LLC) upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY should mail process to AAG Sand and Gravel LLC 561 Gay Brook Rd., Oneonta, New York 13820-9006. Purpose Any lawful purpose.
TOWN OF SIDNEY LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following roads in the Town of Sidney have been designated and posted as Seasonal and are not maintained from November 15th to April 15th. The roads include the back side of Lawton Hill Road, which will be blocked off to the Franklin Town line, Dumond Road, Arabaian Way, and a section of Gallop Hill Road to the Masonville Town line. ALSO PLEASE NOTE If any personal property obstruction the plowing of any town road is not voluntarily removed by the owner it may then be removed by the Town at the owner's expense. Any damage to mailboxes and fences while the Highway Department maintains the roads during the winter months will not be replaced or repaired by the Town of Sidney Highway Department. Submitted by Codey Lambrecht Superintendent of Highways Town of Sidney
TOWN OF WALTON NOTICE OF FORMATION OF A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Notice of Formation of G&L’S Excavation & Trash Removal LLC. Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 11 01 2024. Office location Delaware County. SSNY designated as agent of Limited Liability Company (LLC) upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY should mail process to Jarett Griffin 1513 dunk hill rd Walton NY. Purpose Any lawful purpose.
DELAWARE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORMATION OF A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Notice of Formation of Mountain Mixer Wanderbar, LLC.. Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 09 25 2024. Office location Delaware County. SSNY designated as agent of Limited Liability Company (LLC) upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY should mail process to Mountain Mixer Wanderbar, LLC. 862 East View Road, Sidney Center, NY 13839. Purpose Any lawful purpose.
TOWN OF WALTON PUBLIC NOTICE ADMINISTRATION CITATION File No. 2023-249 SURROGATE’S COURT - DELAWARE COUNTY PUBLICATION CITATION THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, By the Grace of God Free and Independent, TO Any and all unknown persons whose names or parts of whose names, and whose place or places of residence are unknown, and cannot, after due diligent inquiry, be ascertained, distributes, heirs at law, and next of kin of said BARBARA CUNNINGHAM, and if any of the husbands or wives, if any, distributees and successors in internes whose names and or places of residence and post office addresses are unknown. A petition having been duly filed by SAM ISAAK, Administrator of Martine Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing, who is domiciled at 12 Tibbits Avenue, White Plains, NY 10606. YOU ARE HEREBY CITED TO SHOW CAUSE, before the Surrogate’s Court, Delaware County, at 3 Court Street, Delhi, NY On January 28, 2025 at 9 00 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, why a decree should not be made in the Estate of Barbara Cunningham, lately domiciled at 629 Woodland Hills Rd., Andes, NY 13731, in the County of Delaware, New York, granting Limited Letters of Administration upon the estate of the decedent to Beverley J. Shields, Delaware Co. Treasurer or to such other person as may be entitled thereto. That the authority of the representative under the foregoing letters be limited as follows Authority to address issues related to decedent’s Medicaid application and to attend the fair hearing as required. HON. JOHN L. HUBBARD HON. JOHN L. HUBBARD, SURROGATE Dated, Attested and Sealed November 12, 2024 Chief Clerk, Rebecca G. Vroman Name of Attorney for Petitioner Cari Ann Levine Tel. No. 609-664-7912 Address of Attorney Cowart Dizzia LLP, 45 Rockefeller Plaza, Suite 2000, New York, NY 10111 Note This citation is served upon you as required by law. You are not required to appear. If you fail to appear it will be assumed you do not object to the relief requested. You have a right to have an attorney-at-law appear for you.
DELAWARE ACADEMY CSD AT DELHI LEGAL NOTICE At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Education of the Delaware Academy Central School at Delhi, held on Monday, October 28, 2024 at 6 00 p.m. in the High School Media Center, the Board of Education approved a resolution to hold a Special School District Meeting on Tuesday, December 17, 2024 NOTICE OF SPECIAL SCHOOL DISTRICT MEETING AND ELECTION AND AVAILABILITY OF ABSENTEE BALLOTS Delaware Academy Central School District at Delhi Delaware County, New York PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a Special School District Meeting and Election of the Delaware Academy Central School District at Delhi, Delaware County, New York, will be held on December 17, 2024 in the lobby of the middle school gymnasium, at which the polls will be kept open between the hours of 12 00 o’clock Noon and 8 00 o’clock P.M., Prevailing Time, for the purpose of voting by paper ballot or voting machine upon the following bond proposition BOND PROPOSITION Shall the following resolution be adopted, to‑wit RESOLVED, shall the Board of Education of the Delaware Academy Central School District at Delhi, Delaware County, New York, be authorized to construct and install energy efficiency improvements to the School District buildings, including original furnishings, equipment, machinery, apparatus, appurtenances, and incidental improvements and expenses in connection therewith, at a maximum estimated cost of $3,576,486, and that $3,576,486, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be raised by the levy of a tax upon the taxable property of said School District and collected in annual installments as provided by Section 416 of the Education Law; and in anticipation of such tax, obligations of said School District shall be issued. SEQRA DETERMINATION The proposition involves “actions” which have been determined to be a “Type II Action” pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617.5(c)(1), (2) and (10) of the regulations of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation promulgated pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act (“SEQRA”), which the School District has determined, will not result in any significant adverse environmental impact. SEQRA compliance materials are available at the Office of the School District Clerk where they may be examined during normal business hours. QUALIFIED VOTERS Voters do not have to be registered to vote. The qualified voters of the School District shall be entitled to vote at said Special District Meeting and Election. A qualified voter is one (1) a citizen of the United States of America, (2) eighteen years of age or older, and (3) resident within the School District for a period of thirty (30) days next preceding the Special District Meeting and Election, and not otherwise prohibited from voting (i.e. mentally incompetent or convicted felon). ABSENTEE AND EARLY-MAIL BALLOTS Absentee and early-mail ballots for the Special District Meeting and Election, in accordance with Section 2018-b of the Education Law may be applied for at the District Clerk’s Office during regular office hours, 8 00 A.M. to 4 00 P.M. (i.e., except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays). The District Clerk must receive applications for absentee or early- mail ballots at least seven days and no more than thirty days prior to the vote if the ballot is to be mailed to the voter, or by the day before the vote, if the ballot is to be issued to the voter in person. Contact the District Clerk, Lisa Kulaski at (607) 746-1306 or for more information. The District Clerk must receive absentee or early-mail ballots at said office not later than 5 00 P.M. on December 17, 2024. A list of all persons to whom absentee and early-mail ballots shall have been issued will be available for public inspection in the District Clerk’s Office not less than five days prior to the date of the vote during regular office hours (8 00 A.M. to 4 00 P.M.) until the day of the election, including each of the five days prior to December 17, 2024 (excluding Saturdays and Sundays), and will be posted conspicuously at the polling place on December 17, 2024 during the hours of the Special District Meeting and Election. Any qualified voter may prior to the election challenge the acceptance of an absentee or early-mail voter’s ballot or a person on such list by submission of a written challenge to the qualifications of any person whose name appears on the list of absentee and early-mail voters and provide reasons therefore known to the District Clerk for transmittal to the Inspectors of Election on the date of the vote. In addition, any qualified voter may challenge the acceptance of the absentee or early- mail voter’s ballot of any person on such list by making his her reasons known to the election inspector before the close of the polls. The Election Law makes special provisions for absentee voting by “permanently disabled” voters and any questions regarding these rights should be directed to the District Clerk. Note A challenge to an early-mail ballot may not be made on the basis that the voter should have applied for an absentee ballot. MILITARY VOTERS Military voters who are qualified voters of the District may apply for a military ballot by requesting an application from the District Clerk at the District Office, or by calling (607) 746-1306 or by e-mail For a military voter to be issued a military ballot, the District Clerk must have received a valid ballot application not later than 5 00 P.M. on November 21, 2024, the 26th day before the Special District Meeting and Election in order for the ballot distribution to proceed not later than 25 days before the vote. In a request for a military ballot application or ballot, the military voter may indicate their preference for receiving the application or ballot by mail, facsimile transmission or electronic mail. A military voter is defined in Section 122.2(f) of the regulations of the Commissioner of Education. SUBMISSION OF MILITARY BALLOTS Military ballots will be mailed or otherwise distributed in accordance with the military voter’s preference no later than 25 days before the vote. Military ballots must be returned by mail or in person and received by the District Clerk by 8 00 P.M. on December 17, 2024. A list of all persons to whom military ballots have been issued will be available in the District Clerk’s office on each of the five (5) days prior to the vote, between the hours of 8 00 A.M. and 4 00 P.M. prevailing time, (excluding Saturdays and Sundays), and at the polling place on the day of the vote. SNOW OR OTHER EMERGENCY CANCELLATION In the event of a weather or other emergency which necessitates cancellation of the December 17, 2024 meeting, said Special District Meeting and Election shall be held on December 19, 2024 at the aforementioned time and place. Dated Delhi, New York, BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE DELAWARE ACADEMY CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT AT DELHI, DELAWARE COUNTY, NEW YORK By s Lisa Kulaski School District Clerk
NYSEG PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF APPLICATION OF NEW YORK STATE ELECTRIC & GAS CORPORATION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF ENVIRONMENTAL COMPATIBILITY AND PUBLIC NEED PURSUANT TO ARTICLE VII OF THE PUBLIC SERVICE LAW FOR THE JENNISON TRANSMISSION SOLUTION PROJECT TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that New York State Electric & Gas Corporation (NYSEG) intends to file an application (Application) with the New York State Public Service Commission (Commission) pursuant to Article VII of the Public Service Law (PSL) of the State of New York for a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need (Certificate) for the construction, operation and maintenance of the “Jennison Transmission Solution” Project (Project) in Chenango and Delaware Counties, New York. NYSEG must receive a Certificate from the Commission before constructing the Project. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT The Project is NYSEG’s proposal to rebuild and relocate its Jennison Substation in the Town of Bainbridge, including re- routing several transmission and sub-transmission lines from the substation’s present location to its new location; rebuild its 115 kilovolt (kV) electric transmission lines 734 and 946 primarily within existing rights-of-way (ROW) through the Towns of Norwich, Guilford and Bainbridge, from the Proposed Jennison Substation to the East Norwich Substation in the Town of Norwich, including connecting the rebuilt lines to the North Pond Substation in the Town of Guilford; and rebuild its 115 kV electric transmission line 949 entirely within existing ROW through the Towns of Bainbridge, Sidney, Franklin and Hamden, from the proposed Jennison Substation to a specific transmission line structure in the Town of Hamden. To keep line 949 energized while construction activities are performed, it will be necessary to use a temporarily rerouted line for a portion of the rebuild of that line. The proposed Jennison Substation will be relocated and rebuilt approximately 0.9 miles west of the existing Jennison Substation on an approximately 61-acre parcel currently owned by NYSEG in the Town of Bainbridge. The proposed Jennison Substation will measure approximately 4.6 acres in size and the station’s construction will include the construction of an approximately 0.5- mile-long access road connecting to Mount Pleasant Road. Two electric line ROW connector corridors totaling approximately 1.8 miles in length will be built to connect electric lines to the proposed Jennison Substation and will require approximately 0.6 miles of new ROW. The 115 kV proposed line 734 will be approximately 6.7 miles long, beginning at East Norwich Substation in the Town of Norwich and terminating at the North Pond Substation in the Town of Guilford. The 115 kV proposed line 946 will be approximately 14.7 miles long, beginning at the North Pond Substation and terminating at the proposed Jennison Substation in the Town of Bainbridge. The 115 kV proposed line 949 will be approximately 25.4 miles long, beginning at the proposed Jennison Substation and terminating at a specific structure in the Town of Hamden. Portions of existing lines 946 and 949 and of six other transmission and sub-transmission lines that currently connect to the existing Jennison Substation will be relocated rebuilt to connect to the proposed Jennison Substation. The total length of new 115kV transmission lines that will be constructed to rebuild and relocate existing lines in the Project is approximately 47.5 miles. The Project includes replacement of all of the existing lines’ conductor, insulators, and existing structures. The Project also includes installing stormwater management features; establishing one or more temporary laydown staging areas and marshaling yards; and constructing or improving supporting access roads. The Project is needed for NYSEG to continue to ensure reliable service and achieve the objectives of the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act in NYSEG’s Oneonta Division. Exhibit E- 4 of the Application will provide further details about the need for the Project. Exhibit 3 of the Application will provide a description of the various alternatives NYSEG considered to address the need for the Project. The considered alternatives include alternative substation siting locations, alternative line routes, alternative structure types, a no-action alternative, alternative transmission line technologies, and non-wires alternatives. PROPOSED ROUTE The Project is proposed to extend approximately 47.5 miles, beginning at the East Norwich substation in the Town of Norwich, and continuing through the Towns of Guilford and Bainbridge in Chenango County. The proposed Jennison Substation, while relocated approximately 0.9 miles to the west of the existing Jennison Substation, will remain in the Town of Bainbridge. From there, the Project will continue east through the Towns of Sidney, Franklin and Hamden in Delaware County, ending at a specific structure in the Town of Hamden. NYSEG proposes that Project construction activities will occur on the existing line ROW, as well as off-ROW work areas, the locations of proposed stormwater management features, and Project access roads. The locations of the proposed Project facilities will be shown in Exhibit 2 of the Application and associated figures. DATE OF FILING NYSEG expects to file the application for a Certificate with the Commission on or about December 10, 2024. AVAILABILITY OF APPLICATION A copy of the Application will be served upon the chief executive officers of Chenango County, Delaware County, and the Towns of Norwich, Guilford, Bainbridge, Sidney, Franklin and Hamden, New York, and a copy will be available for public inspection in each of the following locations Guernsey Memorial Library, 3 Court Street, Norwich, NY 13815; Bainbridge Free Library, 13 North Main Street, Bainbridge, NY 13733-1210; Sidney Memorial Public Library, 8 River Street Sidney, NY 13838; Franklin Free Library, 334 Main Street, Franklin, NY 13775; Cannon Free Library, 40 Elm Street, Delhi, NY 13753. In addition, copies will be available for public inspection at the Department of Public Service Offices in Albany (Office of Central Files, 14th Floor, Three Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12223) and will be posted on the Commission’s website ( ADDITIONAL ASSISTANCE For information or assistance concerning the Application, interested persons may contact the following Hon. Michelle L. Phillips Secretary State of New York Public Service Commission Empire State Plaza, Agency Building 3 Albany, NY 12223-1350 Phone (518) 474-6350 Fax (518) 486-6081 Email Jennison Transmission Solution Project Information Phone 877-245-6790 Email Website