Legals - July, 11, 2024


TOWN OF ANDES NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice of Public Hearing MTC Franchise Renewal Legal Ad for Town of Andes NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING For Heart of the Catskills Communications, Inc. d b a MTC Cable Franchise Renewal Notice is hereby given that the Town Board of the Town of Andes will hold a public hearing in accordance with General Municipal Law of the State of New York on July 9th 2024 at 7PM  relative to the MTC Cable Franchise Renewal (15 Year Renewal Period) for public comment. A copy of the proposed agreement is available for review at the office of the Andes Town Clerk The hearing will be held at the Andes Town Hall located at 115 Delaware Ave, Andes, NY 13731 Carol Ames Andes Town Clerk

TOWN OF HAMDEN LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF FILING COMPLETED ASSESSMENT ROLL Pursuant to Section 516 of the Real Property Tax Law, notice is hereby given that the Final Assessment Roll for the Town of Hamden, County of Delaware, for the year 2024 has been completed by the undersigned Assessor.  A certified copy thereof will be filed in the office of the Hamden Town Clerk on the 1st day of July 2024, where the same will remain open to public inspection. Tina Moshier, Sole Assessor Town of Hamden

DELAWARE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORMATION OF A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY S & S PROPERTY MAINTENANCE LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 06 20 24.  Office Delaware County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon   whom process against it may be served.  SSNY shall mail copy of process to the LLC, 1518 Huska Road, Delancey, NY  13752. Purpose Any lawful purpose.

TOWN OF MEREDITH PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF FILING COMPLETED ASSESSMENT ROLL Pursuant to Section 516 of the Real Property Tax Law, Notice is hereby given that the Final Assessment roll for the Town of Meredith, County of Delaware, for the year 2024 has been completed by the undersigned Assessor. A certified copy thereof will be filed in the office of the Town Clerk on the 1st day of the July 2024, where the same will remain open to public inspection. Dated July 1, 2024 Diane Lutz, Sole Appointed Assessor Town of Meredith

WATERSHED AGRICULTURAL COUNCIL INVITATION FOR BIDS Scott, Gail & Tyler Hymers, 173 Elk Creek Road (approx. 200 yrds past, on the right), Delhi are seeking bids for a waste storage facility, waste transfer and access road to be funded by the Watershed Agricultural Council.   Prospective bidders will receive a bid package which contains a bid sheet with instructions to bidders, sample contract, plans and specifications.  Bid packages may be obtained by contacting Elaine Poulin at the Watershed Program Office, 44 West Street, Walton, NY 13856 or by calling 607-865-7090 ext. 209.  Prospective bidders must be in attendance for the full group site showing at 8 30 a.m. on Tuesday, July 23, 2024 at the Hymers farmstead.   Failure to attend will result in the rejection of your bid.  Sealed bids must be clearly marked “Hymers Sealed Bid” and will be accepted on behalf of the landowner at the Watershed Agricultural Program Office at 44 West Street, Walton, NY until 11 00 a.m. on Wednesday, August 14, 2024 where they will be opened and read.  Small and minority owned businesses are encouraged to apply.  The Watershed Agricultural Council, Inc. reserves the right to reject any and all bids.  E.O.E.

TOWN OF HAMDEN NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, the Town of Hamden Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, July 30, 2024 at the Hamden Town Hall, 20 Covert Hollow Rd, Hamden, NY  13782 at 7 00 pm, to discuss the site plan proposed by Jason Pardee for a thrift shop located at 36165 St Hwy 10, Hamden.  All interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard at this time. DATED   July 2, 2024 Rachelle Rogers Hamden Planning Board Secretary

DELAWARE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORMATION OF A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Notice of Formation of Arctic Mountain Stone LLC. Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 04 25 2024. Office location Delaware County. SSNY designated as agent of Limited Liability Company (LLC) upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY should mail process to Levi Ellis 8004 B County Highway 20 Bainbridge, NY 13733. Purpose Any lawful purpose.

DELAWARE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORMATION OF A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Notice of Formation of Downtown Train Production Services LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State (SSNY) on 6 26 24. Office location Delaware County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to c o The LLC, 420 Ullas Way, Davenport, NY 13750. Purpose any lawful activity.

DELAWARE COUNTY INVITATION FOR BIDS The Delaware County Soil & Water Conservation District (DCSWCD) in partnership with the Watershed Agricultural Council (WAC), 44 West Street, Suite 1, Walton, NY 13856, is seeking bids on behalf of Craig and Anthony Urciuoli, from qualified contractors for the CREP CSBI Buffer Planting Program. The property and project area is located at 45 Alger Spur Road, Sidney Center, NY 13839. The planting area is approximately 4.5 acres in size and includes installation of native trees and shrubs. The expected performance dates are between October 15th and November 15th of 2024.    Bid packages may be obtained electronically or by mail upon request by contacting Catherine Skalda. Interested contractors may request to review the site by contacting Catherine Skalda at 607-865-5223 or by email by Wednesday, July 17, 2024. Prospective bidders shall receive a bid package which contains a bid sheet with instructions to bidders, sample contract, plans and specifications. Minority- and Women-owned businesses are encouraged to apply.    Bids must be clearly marked “North Slope CREP CSBI Riparian Planting” and must be received by the Delaware County Soil and Water Conservation District’s office at 44 West Street, Suite #1, Walton, NY 13856, before Thursday, August 1, 2024, at 11 00 AM prevailing time, at which time they will be opened and read. Bidders are responsible for the timely delivery of their Bid Proposal.    Addenda, if any, will be issued only to those companies whose name and address are on record as having obtained Bidding and Contract Documents. The Delaware County Soil and Water Conservation District reserves the right to reject any and all bids or waive informalities in the Bidding.    Technical questions should be directed to Catherine Skalda and administrative questions directed to Graydon Dutcher.  • Phone 607-865-5223  • Fax 607-865-5535  • E-mail, graydon-      Delaware County SWCD  44 West Street, Suite 1  Walton, NY 13856

DELAWARE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORMATION OF A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ANDES STUDIOS LLC. Filed with SSNY on 06 28 2024. Office Delaware County. SSNY designated as agent for process & shall mail to 143 MAIN ST, ANDES, NY, 3731. Purpose Any Lawful

VILLAGE OF DELHI LEGAL NOTICE VILLAGE OF DELHI, DELAWARE COUNTY, NY Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Engineering Services RFQ#1- EFC Funded Projects - Lead Service Line Inventory Project and Water System Upgrade The VILLAGE OF DELHI in Delaware County, NY is seeking to retain a qualified professional engineering firm to provide services for water infrastructure projects through the Village. Such services will include but not be limited to, project design and construction representation, including preparation of plans and specifications, bid documents, permitting assistance, and construction management and inspection services. Services shall also include assistance with environmental compliance with the preparation of necessary forms and applications for governmental funding assistance. Lead Service Line Inventory The VILLAGE has received a BIL grant to help cover the project's cost. A submission is due to the NYS Department Health (DOH), by the EPA’s deadline of October 16, 2024; Water Main Replacement Project The project will entail the replacement and or rehabilitation of components throughout the water system. Proposals will be reviewed and selected according to a competitive review process based on technical skills, relevant project experience and knowledge of grant loan funded projects. Interested parties should contact Village Clerk Pam Ferguson for a complete copy of the RFQ at 607-746-2258 Pam Ferguson  Statements of Qualifications will be received as by email or hard copy by August 1, 2024 at 2 00 P.M.   Hard Copies to be delivered to Village Hall at 9 Court Street Delhi, NY 13753 Minority and women-owned businesses are encouraged to submit responses to the RFQ.

DELAWARE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORMATION OF A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Notice of Formation of Matt's Construction, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 05 28 2024. Office location Delaware County. SSNY designated as agent of Limited Liability Company (LLC) upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY should mail process to Matt's Construction, LLC PO Box 41, Franklin, NY 13775. Purpose Any lawful purpose.

DELAWARE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORMATION OF A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Notice of Formation of 63 GEORGE LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State (SSNY) on 6 28 24. Office location Delaware County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to c o The LLC, 63 George Street, Arkville, NY 12406. Purpose any lawful activity.

TOWN OF HAMDEN INVITATION FOR BIDS NOTICE TO BIDDERS    Pursuant to the provision of Section 103 of General Municipal Law, sealed bids will be received by the Town of Hamden for the following   #2 Heating fuel for Highway Garage and Town Hall  Ethanol Free Gas and Diesel fuel delivered to Highway Garage  Propane gas delivered to Town Hall, Highway Garage, Water District #1 in Hamden and Hamden Wastewater Facility  All bids requested at firm, fluctuating and pre-pay prices  Fuel products to be delivered for one year from acceptance of bid to the following year’s acceptance of new bids  Bids for each product to be in separate clearly marked sealed envelopes.  Bids will be opened on August 7, 2024 at the Hamden Town Hall at 6 30 pm.  Town Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to accept the bid or bids for the best interest of the Town.  Non collusive form must accompany all bids.  Bids may be sent to Hamden Town Clerk, PO Box 32, Hamden, NY  13782 or be delivered to the Clerk’s office before opening time.  Dennise Yeary  Hamden Town Clerk  July 6, 2024

DELAWARE COUNTY INVITATION FOR BIDS The Delaware County Soil & Water Conservation District (DCSWCD) in partnership with the Watershed Agricultural Council (WAC), 44 West Street, Suite 1, Walton, NY 13856, is seeking bids on behalf of Alice Kane, from qualified contractors for the CREP CSBI Buffer Planting Program. The property and project area is located at 3688 County Hwy 22, Walton, NY 13856. The planting area is approximately 7.5 acres in size and includes installation of native trees and shrubs. The expected performance dates are between October 15th and November 15th of 2024.    Bid packages may be obtained electronically or by mail upon request by contacting Catherine Skalda. Interested contractors may request to review the site by contacting Catherine Skalda at 607-865-5223 or by email by Wednesday, July 17, 2024. Prospective bidders shall receive a bid package which contains a bid sheet with instructions to bidders, sample contract, plans and specifications. Minority- and Women-owned businesses are encouraged to apply.    Bids must be clearly marked “Kane - East Brook CREP CSBI Riparian Planting” and must be received by the Delaware County Soil and Water Conservation District’s office at 44 West Street, Suite #1, Walton, NY 13856, before Thursday, August 1, 2024, at 11 00 AM prevailing time, at which time they will be opened and read. Bidders are responsible for the timely delivery of their Bid Proposal.    Addenda, if any, will be issued only to those companies whose name and address are on record as having obtained Bidding and Contract Documents. The Delaware County Soil and Water Conservation District reserves the right to reject any and all bids or waive informalities in the Bidding.    Technical questions should be directed to Catherine Skalda and administrative questions directed to Graydon Dutcher.  • Phone 607-865-5223  • Fax 607-865-5535  • E-mail, graydon-      Delaware County SWCD  44 West Street, Suite 1  Walton, NY 13856

DELAWARE COUNTY INVITATION FOR BIDS The Delaware County Soil & Water Conservation District (DCSWCD) in partnership with the Watershed Agricultural Council (WAC), 44 West Street, Suite 1, Walton, NY 13856, is seeking bids on behalf of The Uplands Center Foundation, from qualified contractors for the CREP CSBI Buffer Planting Program. The Uplands Center Foundation is located at 2410 Dunk Hill Rd, Walton, NY, 13856. The planting area is approximately 16 acres in size and includes installation native trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants. The expected performance dates are between October 15st and November 15th of 2024.    Bid packages may be obtained electronically or by mail upon request by contacting Catherine Skalda. Interested contractors may request to review the site by contacting Catherine Skalda at 607-865-5223 or by email by Wednesday, July 17, 2024. Prospective bidders shall receive a bid package which contains a bid sheet with instructions to bidders, sample contract, plans and specifications. Minority- and Women-owned businesses are encouraged to apply.    Sealed Bids must be clearly marked “Uplands Center Foundation CREP CSBI Riparian Planting” and must be received by the Delaware County Soil and Water Conservation District’s office at 44 West Street, Suite #1, Walton, NY 13856, before Thursday, August 1, 2024, at 1 00 PM prevailing time, at which time they will be opened and read. Bidders are responsible for the timely delivery of their Bid Proposal.    Addenda, if any, will be issued only to those companies whose name and address are on record as having obtained Bidding and Contract Documents. The Delaware County Soil and Water Conservation District reserves the right to reject any and all bids or waive informalities in the Bidding.    Technical questions should be directed to Catherine Skalda and administrative questions directed to Graydon Dutcher.  • Phone 607-865-5223  • Fax 607-865-5535  • E-mail, graydon-      Delaware County SWCD  44 West Street, Suite 1  Walton, NY 13856

TOWN OF TOMPKINS LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Filing Completed Assessment Roll Pursuant to Section 516 of the Real Property Tax Law, Notice is hereby given that the Final Assessment Roll for the Town of Tompkins, County of Delaware, for the year 2024 has been completed by the undersigned Assessor. A certified copy thereof will be filed in the office of the Town Clerk on the 1st day of July 2024, where the same will remain open to public inspection. Dated July 1, 2024 Wendy Layton  Assessor, Town of Tompkins

TOWN OF KORTRIGHT NOTICE OF MEETING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Kortright regular monthly Town Board meeting for Monday July 15, 2024 will be held on Monday July 22, 2024 at 7 30pm in the Town Hall. KRISTIN A. CRAFT Town Clerk

DELAWARE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORMATION OF A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY FINNES SERVICES LLC. Filed 2 21 24. Office Delaware Co. SSNY desig. as agent for process & shall mail to Matthew Finne, 706 Taylor Rd, East Meredith, NY 13757. Purpose General.

DELAWARE COUNTY NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF DELAWARE FREEDOM MORTGAGE CORPORATION, Plaintiff AGAINST THOMAS E. GALLAGHER, IV, ET AL., Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered March 15, 2024, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction in the Courtroom of Delaware County Courthouse, 3 Court St., Delhi NY 13753 on August 6, 2024 at 2 00PM, premises known as 235 Wedemeyer Road, Downsville, NY 13755 A K A Long View Road A K A Long View Lane, Downsville, NY 13755; F K A 1 Wedemeyer Road A K A Long View Lane, Downsville, NY 13755. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Colchester, County of Delaware, and State of New York, Section 378., Block 1, Lot 48. Approximate amount of judgment $67,457.43 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index #EF2019-860. The aforementioned auction will be conducted in accordance with the DELAWARE County COVID-19 mitigation protocols and as such all persons must comply with social distancing, wearing masks and screening practices in effect at the time of this foreclosure sale. Robert W. Carey, Esq., Referee Gross Polowy, LLC 1775 Wehrle Drive Williamsville, NY 14221 19-002817 81194

TOWN OF WALTON LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SALE  SUPREME COURT   DELAWARE COUNTY.   UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ACTING THROUGH THE RURAL HOUSING SERVICE OR SUCCESSOR AGENCY, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRIGULTURE, vs. LEANNE BROWNING AKA LEANNE KNAPP, et al, Defts. Index #EF2023-669.  Pursuant to judgment of foreclosure and sale entered May 9, 2024, I will sell at public auction at the Delaware County Courthouse, 3 Court Street, Delhi, NY on August 13, 2024 at 2 00 p.m. premises k a 13 Liberty Street, Walton, NY 13856. All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate in the Town and Village of Walton County of Delaware, State of New York Section 273.7 Block 1, Lot 28. Approximate amount of judgment is $102,074.50 plus costs and interest. Sold subject to terms and conditions of filed judgment and terms of sale. STEPHEN F. BAKER, Referee. PINCUS LAW GROUP PLLC, Attys. for Pltf., 425 RXR Plaza, Uniondale, NY 11556. File No. 04262019.44201 - #101506

DELAWARE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORMATION OF A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 15 MAPLE RIVER, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 05 22 24. Office Delaware County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served.  SSNY shall mail copy of process to the LLC, c o     Grazia D'Arpa, 164-34 89th Street, Howard Beach, NY  11414.  Purpose Any lawful purpose.

DELAWARE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORMATION OF A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Physical Therapy In Catskills By Grace, PLLC. Filed with SSNY on 6 3 2024. Office location Delaware County. SSNY designated as agent for process and shall mail to 10 Redmond Rd Arkville NY 12406. Purpose Physical Therapy

DELAWARE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORMATION OF A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Notice of Formation of R2C Consulting LLC. Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 06 28 2024. Office location Delaware County. SSNY designated as agent of Limited Liability Company (LLC) upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY should mail process to Roberto Rodriguez 911 Herrick Rd, Andes, NY 13731. Purpose Any lawful purpose.

VILLAGE OF WALTON LEGAL NOTICE VILLAGE OF WALTON, DELAWARE COUNTY, NY Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Engineering Services RFQ#1- Lead Service Line Inventory Project   The VILLAGE OF WALTON in DELAWARE County, NY is seeking a qualified engineering firm to provide services to undertake a project to create a Lead Service Line Inventory which would document the material of all water service lines throughout VILLAGE’s water.   To determine where lead water service lines exist in the water system, the project is expected to include reviewing existing records, public outreach, and possible field investigation and verification, as well as result documentation by Village staff, engineering consultants and contractors. The VILLAGE has received a EFC grant to help cover the project's cost. A submission is due to the NYSDOH by the deadline set by the EPA of October 16, 2024.   Proposals will be reviewed and selected according to a competitive review process based on technical skills, relevant project experience and knowledge of grant loan funded projects. Interested parties should contact Village Clerk Jody Brown for a complete copy of the RFQ at 607-865-4358 or by email to posals will be accepted until 2 00 PM on July 31, 2024.  Proposals are to be delivered to Village Clerk Jody Brown, Village of Walton, 21 North Street Walton, NY 13856 or submitted by e-mail to   Minority and women-owned businesses are encouraged to submit responses to the RFQ.

DELAWARE COUNTY LEGAL NOTICE Sealed bids will be received as set forth in instructions to bidders until 10 30 A.M. on Thursday, August 08, 2024 at the NYSDOT, Office of Contract Management, 50 Wolf Rd, 1st Floor, Suite 1CM, Albany, NY  12232 and will be publicly opened and read.  Bids may also be submitted via the internet using  A certified cashier's check payable to the NYSDOT for the sum specified in the proposal or a bid bond, form CONR 391, representing 5% of the bid total, must accompany each bid. NYSDOT reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Electronic documents and Amendments are posted to doing- business opportunities const- notices. The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that all Amendments are incorporated into its bid.  To receive notification of Amendments via e-mail you must submit a request to be placed on the Planholders List at doing- business opportunities const- planholder.  Amendments may have been issued prior to your placement on the Planholders list. NYS Finance Law restricts communication with NYSDOT on procurements and contact can only be made with designated persons.  Contact with non-designated persons or other involved Agencies will be considered a serious matter and may result in disqualification. Contact Robert Kitchen (518)457-2124. Contracts with 0% Goals are generally single operation contracts, where subcontracting is not expected, and may present direct bidding opportunities for Small Business Firms, including, but not limited to D M WBE's and SDVOBs. The New York State Department of Transportation, in accordance with the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office the Secretary, Part 21, Nondiscrimination in Federally- assisted programs of the Department of Transportation and Title 23 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 200, Title IV Program and Related Statutes, as amended, issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifies all who respond to a written Department solicitation, request for proposal or invitation for bid that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability handicap and income status in consideration for an award. Please call (518)457-2124 if a reasonable accommodation is needed to participate in the letting. Region 09 New York State Department of Transportation 44 Hawley Street, Binghamton, NY, 13901 D265289, PIN 935851, FA Proj , Delaware, Otsego Cos., HIGHWAY - REST AREA PARKING EXPANSION - Towns of Sidney & Worcester., Bid Deposit 5% of Bid (~ $125,000.00), Goals DBE  5.00%

DELAWARE COUNTY NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF DELAWARE US Bank Trust National Association, not in its Individual Capacity but Solely as Owner Trustee for VRMTG Asset Trust, Plaintiff AGAINST John Doe And Jane Doe 1 Through 50, Intending To Be The Unknown Heirs, Distributees, Devisees, Grantees, Trustees, Lienors, Creditors, And Assignees Of The Estate Of William Wagner A K A William L. Wagner Whose Last Known Address Was 73 Smith Hill Road, Stamford New York 12167, Who Was A Born In 1956 And Died On February 27, 2017, A Resident Of The County Of Delaware, Their Successors In Interest If Any Of The Aforesaid Defendants Be Deceased, Their Respective Heirs At Law, Next Of Kin, And Successors In Interest Of The Aforesaid Classes Of Person, If They Or Any Of Them Be Dead, And Their Respective Husband, Wives, Or Widows, If Any, All Of Whom And Whose Name And Places Of Residence Are Unknown To The Plaintiff, Amy Mcdonnell, As Heir At Law And Next Of Kin Of Dorothy Mcdonnell, Who Was An Heir At Law And Next Of Kin Of William Wagner A K A William L. Wagner, Erin Mcdonnell, As Heir At Law And Next Of Kin Of Dorothy Mcdonnell, Who Was An Heir At Law And Next Of Kin Of William Wagner A K A William L. Wagner, Delaware County Department Of Social Service, Mary Imogene Bassett Hospital, United States Of America, Internal Revenue Service New York State Department Of Taxation And Finance, Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered May 30, 2024, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the Courtroom of Delaware County Courthouse, 3 Court St., Delhi NY 13753 on August 6, 2024 at 3 00PM, premises known as 73 Smith Hill Road, Stamford, NY 12167. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Stamford, County of Delaware and State of New York, Section 69 Block 2 Lot 22. Approximate amount of judgment $73,316.38 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index #EF2016-306. The aforementioned auction will be conducted in accordance with the DELAWARE County COVID-19 Protocols located on the Office of Court Administration (OCA) website (https Ad min oca.shtml) and as such all persons must comply with social distancing, wearing masks and screening practices in effect at the time of this foreclosure sale. Xibai Gao, Esq., Referee McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce, LLC 420 Lexington Avenue-Suite 840 New York, NY 10170 22- 13415NY 81310

DELAWARE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORMATION OF A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Notice of Formation of 1965 Holmes Hollow Road LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State (SSNY) on 6 7 24. Office location Delaware County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to c o The LLC, 1965 Holmes Hollow Rd, Delhi, NY 13753. Purpose any lawful activity.

DELHI JOINT FIRE DISTRICT LEGAL NOTICE DELHI JOINT FIRE DISTRICT  NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING      Please take notice that the Delhi Joint Fire District of the towns of Delhi, Hamden and Meredith, County of Delaware, New York, will hold a Special Meeting on July 11, 2024.  The meeting will be held at 8pm at the Delhi Fire Department, 140 Delview Terrace Extension, Delhi, NY.  All meetings of the Delhi Joint Fire District are open to the public.    This notice is being posted in accordance with the provisions of Section 94 of the Public Officers Law of the State of New York.    By order of the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Delhi Joint Fire District Fire District.      Ashley Rosa  Secretary  Delhi Joint Fire District

TOWN OF FRANKLIN PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF THE FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL Pursuant to Real Property Tax Law, Section 516, notice is given that the Town of Franklin Assessor has completed the 2024 final assessment roll. A certified copy of said final assessment roll has been filed with the Town Clerk at 554 Main Street, Franklin, NY 13775 for public inspection. Jim Basile Assessor

TOWN OF KORTRIGHT PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF FILING COMPLETED ASSESSMENT ROLL Pursuant to Section 516 of the Real Property Tax Law, Notice is hereby given that the Final Assessment roll for the Town of Kortright, County of Delaware, for the year 2024 has been completed by the undersigned Assessor. A certified copy thereof will be filed in the office of the Town Clerk on the 1st day of the July 2024, where the same will remain open to public inspection. Dated July 1, 2024 Diane Lutz, Sole Appointed Assessor Town of Kortright

VILLAGE OF WALTON FORECLOSURE NOTICE VILLAGE OF WALTON BY ACTION IN REM STATE OF NEW YORK  DELAWARE COUNTY COUNTY COURT In the Matter of the Foreclosure of Tax Liens  By Proceeding in Rem Pursuant To Article     Index No. 2024-455 Eleven of the Real Property Tax Law by the  Village of Walton                               NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on the 4th day of June, 2024, the Clerk Treasurer, hereinafter the Enforcing Officer , of the Village of Walton, hereinafter the Tax District , pursuant to law filed with the Clerk of Delaware County, a Petition of Foreclosure against various parcels of real property for unpaid taxes. Such petition pertains to the following parcels Map Block Lot Owner Name    Owner Name 2      Location 251.18-6-17     D’Antoni Sergio D’Antoni Marta     46 OGDEN ST 251.19-8-6       Dragos Darren Dolph                      83 NORTH ST 251.19-12-13   Bohle Angie M                                 67 LIBERTY ST 273.7-1-29       Garofalo Vincent                             11 LIBERTY ST 273.8-1-4        Formisano Dominick, Jr.                  26 UNION ST                                                   Formisano Claire K  Effect of filing All persons having or claiming to have an interest in the real property described in such petition are hereby notified that the filing of such petition constitutes the commencement of the Tax District of a proceeding in the Court specified in the caption above to foreclose each of the tax liens therein described by a foreclosure proceeding in rem.      Nature of Proceeding Such proceeding is brought against the real property only and is to foreclose the tax liens described in such petition. No personal judgment will be entered herein for such taxes or other legal charges or any part thereof.      Persons affected This notice is directed to all persons owning or having or claiming to have an interest in the real property described in such petition. Such persons are hereby notified that a duplicate of such petition has been filed in the office of the Enforcing Officer of the Tax District and will remain open for public inspection up to and including the date specified below as the last day for redemptions.      Right of redemption Any person having or claiming to have an interest in any such real property and the legal right thereto may on or before said date redeem the same by paying the amount of all such unpaid tax, liens thereon, including all interest and penalties and other legal challenges which are included in the lien against such real property, computed to and including the date of redemption. Such payments shall be made to Village of Walton Clerk Treasurer, Jody Brown, at 21 North Street, Walton NY 13856. In the event that a person other than the record owner of such real property pays such taxes, the person so paying shall be entitled to have the tax liens affected thereby satisfied of record.      Last day for redemption The last day for redemption is hereby fixed as the 11th day of September, 2024.      Service of answer Every person having any right, title or interest in or lien upon any parcel of real property described in such petition may serve a duly verified answer upon the attorney for the Tax District setting forth in detail the nature and amount of his or her interest and any defense or objection to the foreclosure. Such answer must be filed in the office of the county clerk and served upon the attorney for the Tax District on or before the date above mentioned as the last day for redemption.      Failure to redeem or answer In the event of failure to redeem or answer by any person having the right to redeem or answer, such person shall be forever barred and foreclosed of all his or her right, title and interest and equity of redemption in and to the parcel described in such petition and a judgment in foreclosure may be taken by default.      Enforcing Officer Jody Brown, Clerk Treasurer Village of Walton David S. Merzig, Esq. Attorney for the Village of Walton Kehoe & Merzig, PC 8-12 Dietz St., Suite 202 Oneonta, New York 13820 Phone 607- 432-4242