42 results total, viewing 13 - 24
Another week of amazing weather. I love, hot, sunny, blue-sky days in October. That said, I can’t help but think it’s not really good for us. The streams have been bone dry for a while, …
10/14/24 12:00 AM
The first weekend of October sure felt like the first weekend of July. It really was too warm for a Fall Festival weekend. That said, it sure brought out the people. The region was packed with …
10/8/24 12:00 AM
Fall arrived this week but you wouldn’t know it without a calendar. The autumn equinox Sunday, Sept. 22 brought perfect weather for a midsummer-like deck party. My hydrangeas are blooming like …
9/30/24 12:00 AM
Summer’s back. The weather during this second week of September has been nothing short of spectacular. The afternoon sunshine, even in late afternoon, penetrated as it does on a hot July day. …
9/17/24 12:00 AM
Wow! I don’t know if our early September weather is the precursor to an early winter, but it sure was a swift transition from fans and air conditioners to sweater and fireplace weather. The …
9/11/24 12:00 AM
That’s it! Summer’s over. While the calendar will loan us another couple weeks before fall actually arrives, everyone’s back in school this week and the “lazy, hazy, crazy …
9/4/24 12:00 AM
Sauce and Cross will be held Thursday, Sept. 5 with a free pasta buffet style dinner at 5:15 p.m. in the basement of the First United Methodist Church, 12 Liberty Street. This will be …
9/4/24 12:00 AM
This is it! We’re moving into the (unofficial) last weekend of summer. Leaves are already dropping and our kids will be back in school next week. MCS teachers and other staff return for …
9/1/24 12:00 AM
Almost overnight, leaves are turning brown and falling to the ground. My apples are falling, tomato vines are curling and the race to September is on. As summer winds down we need to try to squeeze …
8/20/24 12:00 AM
Already August feels like September. The horrible rain and flooding of last Friday, Aug. 9 were devastating to many neighbors. Fortunately, the rebuilding in Margaretville that took so long after …
8/14/24 12:00 AM
With the arrival of August, the weather is getting even better and the panic that summer will end too soon is fully entrenched. This has been such a glorious, old-fashioned summer in terms of …
8/7/24 12:00 AM
And just like that, it’s August. I saw a tree with some red leaves this week. I can’t say it made me happy, but we still have a good month of summer ahead of us. The perfect summer …
7/31/24 12:00 AM