On the ballot: DelCo village elections, March 21


Elections will take place in most Delaware County villages March 21 from noon - 9 p.m.

Voting allows registered voters to have a say in how their communities operate. Local elections have a direct impact on communities. Village elections determine who will serve on local governing boards, which make important decisions about issues like public safety, infrastructure, and public services. Every vote counts.

Following is a list of municipalities, candidates who will be on the ballot and polling locations.


Mayor: Jessi Raber, Daniel Ayres, Jeffrey Gearhart

Trustee: Janet Tweed, Ian Lamont

Polling location: Delhi Village Hall, 9 Court Street, Delhi


Mayor: Non-election year. Seat not up.

Trustee: Town of Sanford: Dean Price; Town of Deposit: Harry Warner.

Election will be held March 7, noon - 9 p.m., Deposit Village Hall, 61 Front Street, Deposit


Mayor: Elizabeth Hughes, Samuel Gil

Trustee: Stewart Cohen, Miguel Martinez, Yvonne Reuter, Todd Pascarella

Polling location: Skene Memorial Library, 1017 Main Street, Fleischmanns


Mayor: Non-election year. Seat not up.

Trustee: John Wilson.

Polling location: Franklin Village Hall, 141 Water Street, Franklin


Mayor: Gary Resti Jr.

Trustee: Shane Mielke, Shaun Shannon

Polling location: Hancock Village Hall, 85 East Front Street, Hancock

* Mayoral candidate Gary Resti Jr announced that if he is elected, he will immediately resign, as he is not permitted to hold the elected position which conflicts with his employment. 


No elections this year.


Mayor: John Hubbell

Trustee: Iris Mead, Sarah Hubbell 

Polling location: Village Hall, Gottfried Building, 773 Main Street, Margaretville.


Mayor: Elizabeth Hughes, Samuel Gil

Trustee: Stewart Cohen, Miguel Martinez, Yvonne Reuter, Todd Pascarella

Polling location: Skene Memorial Library, 1017 Main Street, Fleischmanns


Mayor: Victor Tartaglia, Raymond E. Baker Jr.

Trustee: Barry MacPherson, no second candidate

Sidney Village Hall, 21 Liberty Street, Sidney


Mayor: Rob Schneider

Trustee: Jim Kopp, no second candidate 

Polling location: Stamford Village Hall, 84 Main Street, Stamford


Mayor: Edward Snow Sr.

Trustee: Nathaniel Jamieson, Eric Ball

Polling location: Village Hall, 21 North Street, Walton